Moceit Date #2

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Remus: Janus you have a dare from WeAreTheFreaks03

Janus: Great. What is it?

Remus: It says Janus time for Moceit date #2!!

Janus: *stares at Remus skeptically* That's it?

Remus: That's it!

Janus: No "Remus crash the date again and burn the TV" or "Remus third wheel the date"?

Janus: Nothing?

Remus: Nope!

Janus: No bullshit?

Remus: Nope no bullshit, just Moceit date #2

Janus: *still gives Remus a look* Hmm

Janus: Alright I won't be back *sinks down to where Patton is*

Virgil: *looks at Remus* 

Remus: *cackles* Alright the rest of the dare says Virgil and Remus while he's gone one of you has to fake kill the other and scare the living scales off of Jan. Got it?

Remus: I mean this could go either way to be honest!

Virgil: Yeah he'll believe you cause you're destructive but he'll also believe me if I panic

Remus: True but I think it'll be more believeable if you're the one who kills me cause he wouldn't expect it from you and you can act like you're panicking

Remus: Plus I'm way better at scaring people and I can easily play dead

Virgil: Alright, then it's settled

Virgil: Should we do it when he comes back right now or after his date?

Remus: *smirking* Oh definitely after his date!

Patton: Oh hey Jan!

Janus: Hello Patton

Janus: *blushing* Uh do you remember that one date we had and Remus interrupted by being well... himself?

Patton: *blushing* Y-yeah

Janus: *blushing* I wasn't wondering if you would like to go on another one?

Patton: Of course! When?

Janus: Is in 30 minutes like last time alright?

Patton: Sure! Remember to give me a knock whenever you're ready!

Janus: Alright see you later Patton *sinks back down*

Patton: *waves* Later Janus!

Remus: *smirks* So?

Janus: He said no *walks into another room to get ready*

A Few Moments Later

Janus: *walks back in the room with the same suit as last time*

Janus: *adjusts his bowtie* Now are you sure that there was nothing else in that dare?

Remus: For the last time NO Janus! now go have fun and get laid!

Janus: *blushing* Whatever

Janus: But before I go...

Janus: Some ground rules

Janus: No breaking stuff, No throwing parties, No making a mess (Looking at you Remus), No touching anything in my room, No GOING in my room, and absolutely NO setting the house on fire REMUS

Remus: Fine you're no fun MOM 

Janus: Thank you and Virgil keep an eye on him please

Virgil: *on his phone* I will

Janus: Now that that's over and done with, I won't be back

Janus: *sinks down to the front of Patton's room door*

Remus: Let the chaos begin!

*Time Skip*

Patton and Janus: *cuddling and watching a movie*

Both: *stare in each other's eyes*

Janus: *checks his surroundings*

Janus: *cups Patton's face in his hands*

Janus: *slowly leans in and kisses Patton on the lips*

Patton: *kisses Janus back*

Both: *pull away slowly and rest their foreheads on each other and smile*

Movie: *credits play*

Patton: *yawns*

Janus: *smirking* Someones tired

Patton: *giggles and blushes* Yeah

Janus: Want me to carry you to your room?

Patton: *blushes and nods his head*

Janus: Alright

Janus: *turns off the TV and carries Patton bridal style and takes him to his room*

Patton: Thanks Janus, I had a really good time 

Patton: *blushing* Maybe our next date can be that Gravity Falls marathon if you want

Janus: *blushing* Y-yeah I wouldn't like that 

Patton: Cool

Patton: *gives Janus a quick kiss on the lips*

Janus: *kisses Patton back*

Patton: *blushing* Bye Janus 

Janus: *smiles* Bye Patton

Patton: *goes in his room and closes the door*

Janus: *looks up and dramatically mouths "Thank You"*

Janus: *sinks back down and sees Virgil crouched down violently shaking and crying*

Janus: Virgil?

Virgil: *sobbing and shaking* J-Janus I'm so sorry!

Virgil: *turns around to reveal himself covered in blood and holding a bloody knife*

Janus: Virgil, what-*sees a bloody lifeless Remus on the floor*

Janus: *runs over to Remus' body*  Virgil what the fuck did you do!

Virgil: *sobbing*  I-I swear we were just- I-I didn't mean to-

Janus: *slightly panicking* This has to be a fucking joke! Remus get up!


Janus: *on the virge of tears and shakes Remus* Remus please!


Janus: *sobbing* Remus!

Remus: You're next Janus!

Janus:  *smacking Remus hard on his chest repeatedly*  YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES NEARLY GAVE ME A DAMN HEART ATTACK!

Remus: *cackling like a maniac* 

Virgil: *laughing* It was part of your dare 

Janus: You guys are so fucking lucky I had a terrible date!

Remus: *calming down from his laughing fit* Hey Janus, you know what this means right?

Janus: What

Remus: You DO care about me!

Janus: *blushing* Shut up

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