Cosplay and Impersonation

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Remus: We each have a dare from WeAreTheFreaks03

Virgil: What is it?

Remus: The first one is for Janus and it says Dare for Janus- Cosplay Bill Cipher. Not too hard since you're so alike already

 Remus: Yes! 

Remus: Believe it or not, Bill is actually Janus' favorite!

Janus: Alright, I won't be back *goes into another room*

Remus: Quick Scare Bear, they also wanted you to 'accidentally' get Patton to see Jan in cosplay

Virgil: On it *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: *sees Virgil* Hey kiddo! how've you been?

Virgil: I've been good Pat

Virgil: Uh Dad, I was wondering if you could come with me really quick? I have to show you something

Patton: Of course Virgil!

Both: *sink down*

Patton: *waving* Hey Remus!

Remus: Hi Patty~

Patton: So what was it that you wanted to show me kiddo?

Janus: *walks back in the room wearing a full Bill Cipher cosplay*  Alright I did the- 

Janus: *blushing* Patton!

Virgil: *smirks and point at Janus* That

Patton: *gasps* Awww your Bill cosplay looks amazing Jan! 

Janus: *blushing* T-thanks

Patton: I never knew you liked Gravity Falls! 

Patton: *blushes* Maybe one day we can watch a marathon together if you want?

Janus: *blushing* Y-yeah I wouldn't like that

Patton: Alright, I have to go, but let me know whenever Jan!

Janus: *blushing* Alright

Patton: *waves and sinks down* Alright, bye guys! 

All: Bye Patton

Remus: *smirks at Janus*

Janus: *crosses his arms and stares at Virgil and Remus* Which one of you did it?

Remus: *smirking* Did what?

Janus: Which.

Janus: One of you.

Janus: Did it?

Remus: *cackles* It was-

Virgil: It was me and I had to do it for your dare

Janus: *sighs and puts his regular clothes back on* Of course why am I not surprised there's always a catch

Remus: Hey look on the bright side, if Virgil wouldn't have done it, you wouldn't have been invited to some alone time with Patton~

Janus: *blushing* Sure whatever just read your dare

Remus: *cackles* Alright it says Dare for Remus- (not sorry about the stache by the way) Woooow okay Dress like Roman and pretend your him to Logan then when Roman walks in have a full out debate on who's the real one, Virgil you have to video this alllll

Remus: I'm surprised Janus didn't get this kind of dare but alright *shapeshifts into Roman*

Remus: You got the camera Scare Bear?

Virgil: *summons camera and presses record* Yeah and ew that nickname sounds weird and gross coming from Roman's mouth

Remus: Yeah I don't blame you

Remus: Now onward to our quest! *sinks down with Virgil to the front of Logan's room door*

Remus: *whispering to Virgil* Alright you know what to do

Virgil: *nods and hides somewhere and records Remus*

Remus: *dramatically opens Logan's door* Greetings my se- I mean gorgeous nerd!

Logan: *gets up from his desk* Salutations Roman. You know you should really knock before barging into someone else's room

Remus: Ah my mistake, that was not very noble or gentlemanlike of me. I'm sorry

Logan: It's quite alright Roman

Roman: *walks into Logan's room* Hey Specs do you know where-

Roman: *sees "himself" and Logan* Uhh am I crazy or do I see another me in the room?

Remus: Ugh it looks like Janus has come here to impersonate me now!

Roman: What are you even talking about I'm Roman

Remus: No I'm Roman

Roman: You're not fooling anyone Janus, I'm the real Roman!

Remus: No I am!

Logan: OKAY! How about I ask you both a series of questions, so we can figuratively see who the real Roman is!

Remus and Roman: *nods their heads*

Logan: Alright question number one, What is Roman's favorite Disney movie?

Both: All of them!

Logan: *sighs and adjusts his glasses* Of course

Logan: Question number two, What is my favorite book?

Both: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

Logan: Alright, and question number three, What is one thing the "real Roman" knows that everyone else doesn't?

Remus: I secretly sleep with a unicorn plush because it reminds me of you!

Roman: Wait, nobody else knows about that except for...

Roman: Remus!

Remus: *cackles and quickly runs out of Logan's room*  Scare Bear we're leaving!

Virgil: *stops recording and comes out of hiding spot and sinks back down with Remus*

Roman: *frustrated groan*

Logan: *blushing* I-is that true Roman?

Roman: *sighs* Yes...

Logan: *adjusts his tie and clears his throat* Well, I actually wear the unicorn onesie because I am also fascinated by your interest in Mythical creatures...

Roman: *surprised and smiles*

Remus: *cackles and changes back to normal* Now I see why you do this all the time Jan!

Janus: Woooow

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