More Than A Friend, Patton's Innocence, Hot Topic, and More

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Remus: Alright we each got a question and dare from Sanders_Sides_Psycho

Remus: And the first question is for you Jan and it says I have a question and dare for each of you: Jan: Question- How did you know you liked Patton more than a friend?

Janus: Well when I first met him I didn't find him attractive but when I first got to know him better those feelings didn't grow more to the point where I would be a gay panic mess everytime he would give me even the slightest form of physical contact

Remus: *cackles* You were such a touch starved mess everytime he touched your hand or even hugged you!

Remus: *mocking Janus* Remus you don't understand it was so warm!

Remus: *cackles*

Janus: *blushing* S-Shut up Remus!

Remus: *calming down from his laughing fit* Alright alright and your dare says Dare- Ruin Patton's innocence, Idc how. Just do it

Janus: *blushing* W-What!?

Virgil: Oof

Remus: *cackling* Jan I will literally give you 20 bucks if you do something that ruins his innocence and then tell him what "adultery" means afterwards!

Janus: *covering his face with his hands and groans* Fine 

Janus: *sighs* I won't be back

Janus: *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Oh hey Jan!

Janus: *wraps his arms around Patton's waist and pulls him close*

Patton: *wraps his arms around Janus' neck, surprised, and giggling*

Janus: *kisses Patton on the lips*

Patton: *kisses Janus back*

Janus: *starts to make out with Patton*

Patton: *making out with Janus*

Patton: *lightly moans*

Janus: *pulls Patton closer, still making out with him*

Both: *pull away, catching their breaths*

Patton: *blushing and giggling* Well you sure were excited to see me 

Janus: *blushing and clears his throat* Yeah

Janus: Uh Patton do you know what "adultery" means?

Patton: Of course that's the process of being an adult!

Janus: N-No that's- that's not what it is um

Patton: Oh then what is it then?

Janus: That's adulthood

Janus: Adultery is um

Janus: *clears his throat* Patton adultery is when someone who is married and someone who isn't their spouse do "it"

Patton: What is "it"?

Janus: *blushing and clearing his throat* "It" is sex Patton

Patton: Ooooh okay so like cheating?

Janus: *blushing* Y-Yeah

Janus: So remember the process of being an adult is adulthood and the other thing is adultery

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