Dukexiety Wedding

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Remus: We have two dares from RowanTheHufflepuff

Remus: The first one is for you Jan and it says Hello! I have two dares if you don't mind. As a "thank you" for what Remus and Virgil did *cough* Patton and Janus' wedding *cough*  I dare Janus to throw a wedding for Remus and Virgil. But here's the catch. Janus gets to do whatever he wants with the decoration and stuff. Remus and Virgil can't complain. If you can get Patton, Logan, and Roman to help, then they get to be in charge of wedding stuff too

Janus: Alright I don't think I have an idea

Remus: Jan you better throw us at least a decent ass wedding

Janus: I mean either way you can't complain

Remus: Fair

Remus: Alright and the last dare is for me and it says But of course, before they get married, Remus go ask Virgil's parents (Janus and Patton) for permission to marry Virgie. Thank you

Virgil: Oop

Remus: Well Jan do I have your permission to marry Virgil?

Janus: *in a serious tone* No absolutely not I don't think you deserve him

Janus: Now what gives you the right to just barge in my home and ask me if you can marry my son huh?

Remus: ...

Janus: Remus I'm obviously joking, you already know my answer is yes

Remus: Oh heh of course! I knew that!

Janus: Right

Remus: Alright now for Patty's approval

Remus: *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Hey Remus!

Remus: Hi Patty

Remus: Um so let's say if I were to hypothetically propose to Virgil would I have your permission to marry him?

Patton: *gasps* You guys are getting married!?

Remus: It's a yes or a no Patton!

Patton: I mean of course you would have my permission Remus! You treat him right and you make him happy so why wouldn't I 

Remus: Okay cool cool

Remus and Patton: ...

Remus: By the way I already did propose and you and the others are gonna help Jan throw the wedding so thank you byyyyye!

Remus: *sinks back down*

Patton: *squeals*

Remus: Well it's official Scare Bear we're getting married!

Virgil: *smiles* Yeah

Virgil: C'mon Ree let's let Jan plan the wedding

Remus: Alright

Remus: *leaving the room with Virgil* I mean it Jan DECENT!

Janus: *rolls his eyes and shakes his head*

Duke: *walks in the room with Monty and Jeremy*

Duke: Um Granny Janus?

Janus: What is it Duke?

Duke: Can me, Monty, and Jeremy also help with Dad and Daddy's wedding?

Janus: Of course come on

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