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Remus: *whispers* Psst Scare Bear come here

Virgil: *goes to Remus and whispers* What's up?

Remus: *whispering* So we got a dare from HeatherGrace133 and it says A while ago my cousin found a tiny snek in our yard so he cut its head off with a machete. Remus, Virgil, one of you has to throw a machete at Janus whenever he feels safe or is with Patton.

Virgil: *whispering* Remus no!

Remus: *whispering* C'mon please

Virgil: *sighs and whispers* I'm not taking the blame for this so you're doing it

Remus: *silently laughing and whispers* Alright

Remus: *summons a machete*

Janus: *on the couch reading a magazine*

Remus: *throws machete at Janus*

Janus: *quickly moves his head out of the way*

Janus: Remus what the hell!

Remus: *cackles* Sorry there was a bug on the wall

Remus: I got it though!

Janus: *facepalms*

*Time Skip*

Janus: *on the couch with Patton*

Janus: *leans in to kiss Patton*

Remus: *throws machete*

Janus: *quickly ducks his and Patton's head down*

Patton: *slightly scared*

Janus: *glares at Remus*

Remus: Sorry another bug!

Remus: Still got it though!

Janus:*sighs and shakes his head*

*Time Skip*

Janus: *approaches Remus*

Remus: *throws machete at Janus*

Janus: *blocks it with his cane*

Janus: Remus you mind telling me why the fuck you keep throwing a machete at me!? 

Remus: *cackles* It was for our dare!

Janus: Okay this is like what the sixth fucking time I almost die!

Janus: And what a surprise all of those times happen to be your fault Remus!

Remus: Okay but technically most of those dares were for me AND Virgil but I just did it instead because we all know Virgil wasn't gonna do it

Janus: You know what I wouldn't be surprised if someone went "I dArE jAnUs tO gO cOmMiT dIe!"

Janus: And then this game would have to be called Ask and Dare Dukexiety until someone fucking revives me!

Virgi: 0_0

Remus: *cackling*

Janus: But nooooo people really want to see me unhappy or practically almost die because you know "fuck Janus" am I right!?

Remus: *dying of laughter*

Virgil: I'm sure they'll start giving you good dares and not have us almost kill you Jan

Janus: Bullshit!

Janus: This is the sixth time we're talking about here Virgil!

Janus: Y'know what?

Janus: *takes out notepad* Let's see here

Janus: Getting knocked over the head with Remus' morning star and getting tied to a dolly!

Janus: Getting thrown across the room from one of Remus' sugar rushes!

Janus: Remus snapping from jealousy because of YOUR dare!

Janus: Almost freezing to death TWICE!

Janus: And last but finally not least almost getting decapitated by a fucking machete!

Remus: *still dying of laughter*

Janus: So yeah Virgil the fans definitely love me of course!

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