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Remus: I got a dare from lenabeans5

Remus: And it says Lyrics no-one asked for (Chorus) Dance on me balls Cat fucking a handbag Yours only yours I wanna stay with Wilson It's no lie Lisa in the crowd said Look Harry had a Viagra malfunction. Also if you see this I want Remus to sing my version in front of everybody. And have him try to convince Patton to do it with him. In a dress or stripper outfit. I'm going all out on this

Virgil: Oh my god

Remus: *cackles* Ah yes the beautiful misheard lyrics of Caramelldansen!

Virgil: You're not seriously gonna convince Patton to sing those lyrics are you?

Remus: *smirking* Oh I have my methods~

Remus: *cackles* Also Jan's gonna have a GREAT time watching I'll tell you that

Remus: *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Hey Remus!

Remus: Hi Patty~

Remus: So I need your help with something

Remus: I was wondering if you can sing this song with me in front of everyone

Remus: *shows Patton the lyrics*

Patton: I don't know what any of this means but sure kiddo!

Remus: Great!

Remus: *summons outfit* Also I'll give you a second cookie after we're done if you wear this outfit during it

Patton: *takes the clothes* Okay!

Remus: *smirking* Perfect

*Time Skip*

Patton: *wearing a light blue crop top and a very short mini skirt* You think Jan will like it?

Remus: Oh he's gonna LOVE it!

Patton: *giggles*

Virgil: You guys ready?

Remus: Yeah play the music Scare Bear!

Virgil: *plays the music*

Remus: *dramatically opens the curtain revealing him and Patton*

Janus: *sees Patton and immediately goes wide eyed and starts blushing*

Virgil: Oh my god...

Logan: ...

Roman: *confused*

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* Dance on me balls

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing*  Cat fucking a handbag

Virgil: *buries his face in his hand and shakes his head*

Roman and Logan: *wtf face*

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* Yours only yours

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* I wanna stay with Wilson

Janus: *squeezing his eyes shut and fanning himself with his hat*

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* It's no lie

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* Lisa in the crowd said

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* Look Harry had

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* A Viagra malfunction

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* O-o-oa-oa

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* O-o-oa-oa aa

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* O-o-oa-oa

Remus: and Patton: *singing and dancing* O-o-oa-oa aa

Music: *ends*

All: ...

Remus: *cackles* So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Did we do good?

Roman: I have no words...

Logan: Who on earth are Wilson, Lisa, and Harry!?

Remus: Don't worry about that

Remus: *smirking* I know Jan liked it

Patton: *giggles* Did you Jan?

Janus: *slowly nods his head and gives a thumbs*

Remus: *gets an idea*

Remus:*smirks and gives Janus intrusive thoughts*

Janus: *nose starts to bleed* 

Roman: Uh Janus?

Janus: *snaps out of it* Huh what?

Patton: Your nose is bleeding

Janus: *immediately summons a napkin and covers his nose, blushing* What no it isn't I don't know what you're talking about!

Patton: *walks to Janus* Jan I can help you if you want

Remus: *giving Janus intrusive thoughts and smirking* Yeah Jan let Patton help you

Janus *thinking* Remus you son of a bitch stop!

Janus: *still holding the napkin to his nose and blushing* No no I'm fine I'm okay!

Patton: *touches Janus' cheek concerned* You sure? You're face is warm and red

Janus: *shudders from the touch*

Remus: *gives Janus even more intrusive thoughts*

Janus:*still holding the napkin to his nose and blushing* Yup yup I'm sure!

Patton: *concerned* Jan are you okay?

Remus: *smirking* Yeah Jan are you okay?

Janus: *blushing* I-I-

Remus: *gives Janus one more intrusive thought*

Janus: Uhhh I have to go to the bathroom bye!

Janus: *quickly kisses Patton on the cheek and quickly sinks back down*

Logan: He knows he could've just went to the bathroom over there right?

Virgil: Don't- Don't question it Logan...

Remus: *cackles*

Patton: *still feels a little concerned for Janus*

Remus: Oh yeah I almost forgot! Here you go Patton

Remus: *summons a cookie and gives it to Patton*

Patton: *takes the cookie and eats it* Thanks Remus!

Remus: No problem

Remus: *cackles* Alright me and Virgil are gonna go check on Jan so byyye!

Remus and Virgil: *sink back down*

Janus: *walks back in the room not bleeding anymore*

Remus: *cackling* What's the matter Jan? Did Patton get you all hot and bothered?

Remus: Did you feel it in your BONE?

Remus: *cackles*

Janus: *punches Remus' arm and blushing* Fuck you Remus you're such an asshole!

Remus: *cackles and pats Janus on the back* Yeah take that as payback for all of those other dares and you breaking the pact

Janus: *rolls his eyes*

Remus: Also can we just appreciate and acknowledge the fact that I finally managed to get PATTON MORALITY SANDERS TO SAY FUCK!

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