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Remus: Virgil where's Janus?

Virgil: He's helping Thomas with something why?

Remus: *cackles* Good cause he got a dare from JoffIsTheKing

Remus: And it says I dare everyone to boop Janus everytime they see him-

Virgil: *laughs* He's gonna be a blepping mess

Remus: *cackles* Yeah

Virgil: Alright let's go

Remus: Alright

Remus and Virgil: *sink down to the light sides*

Patton: Hey Remus! Hi Virgil!

Remus and Virgil: Hey Patton

Remus: Alright guys so me and Virgil had an idea

Remus: We boop Janus everytime we see him!

Patton: *gasps* Yes!

Roman: Alright

Logan: Um my apologies but what is "booping"?

Roman: Booping is when you do this

Roman: *boops Logan's nose*

Logan: *blinks* 

Logan: Oh, I have now obtained important and valuable information

Remus: Good now let the boops commence!

*Time Skip* 

Janus: *walks in the room*

Logan: *looks up from his book* Salutations Janus

Janus: Hello Logan

Logan: *remembers what he has to do*

Logan: *puts his book away and stands in front of Janus*

Janus: *blushing* Um Logan?

Logan: *stares at Janus*

Janus: ...

Logan: *boops Janus*

Janus: *bleps*

Janus: *shakes his head* Nyeh!

Logan: *summons a notepad and pen*

Logan: *writing in notepad* Bleps when booped

Logan: *summons the notepad and pen away* Alright that is all Janus

Logan: *leaves the room*

Janus: *confused*

*Time Skip*

Janus: *walks in the kitchen*

Roman: *sees Janus* Hey Janus

Janus: Hey Roman

Roman: Wait Jan hold still you have something on your face

Janus: What? Where?

Roman: Right...

Roman: *boops Janus* There!

Janus: *bleps*

Janus: *shakes his head* Nyeh!

Roman: *holding back laughter* Got it

Roman: *laughs*

Janus: *rolls his eyes*

*Time Skip*

Janus: *on the couch*

Patton: *sees Janus and runs and jumps in his lap*

Janus: *groans and holds Patton* Patton hi

Patton: *giggles and wraps his arms around Janus' neck* Hi Jan!

Janus:*smirks and holds Patton close* Now what's gotten you so giggly and happier than usual?

Patton: *giggles* No reason I'm just happy I get to see my

 Patton: *boops Janus* Favorite

Janus: *bleps*

Patton: *boops Janus* Adorable

Janus: *bleps*

Patton *boops* Snake *boops* Boi

Patton: *boops* *boops* boops*

Janus: *bleps after every boop*

Janus: *blushing ,laughing, and shaking his head* Nyeh! Ssstop!

Patton: *squeals* The hiss

Janus: *laughs and pulls Patton closer* I hiss and now I kiss

Patton: *giggles* 

Janus: *kisses Patton on the lips*

Patton: *kisses Janus back*

Both: *pull away slowly and rest their foreheads on each other and smile*

*Time Skip* 

Virgil: Hey Jan can you come over here for a second?

Janus: *goes to Virgil* What happened?

Virgil: *boops Janus*

Janus: *bleps*

Janus: *shakes his head* Nyeh! Virgil you asshole!

Virgil: *smirking* That happened

Janus: *glares at Virgil*

Virgil: *laughs*

*Time Skip*

Remus: *tip toes behind Janus*

Remus: *taps Janus' shoulder*

Janus: *turns around*

Remus: *boops Janus* Boop!

Janus: *bleps*

Remus: *cackles*

Janus: *shakes his head* Nyeh! Why!

Janus: What is up with everyone booping me today!?

Remus:*cackling* Do you want me to tell you or do you want to figure that out yourself?

Janus: *sighs* The dare?

Remus: *nods his head, smirking* The dare!

Janus: Y'know what Remus? Be glad I never told anyone your weakness cause trust me I don't think Virgil or anyone else would use it to their advantage

Remus: Good cause they're not gonna know because we made a pact remember

Janus: *smirking* Right

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