Remus Takes A Bath

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Remus: I got a dare from Atlas_2 

Remus: And it says *face drops* Oh...

Virgil: What?

Remus: Janus, I take back all the things I've said and done in the past, present, or future

Janus: *knows fully well what his dare is and smirks* 

Virgil: What is it? Do you have to shave your mustache again?

Remus: *nervous laughter* Nope 

Janus: *smirking* Go ahead Remus, read your dare cause I know it definitely has nothing to do with that one statement you've made

Remus: It was a joke!

Virgil: C'mon Ree, what's it say?

Remus:*frustrated sigh* Fine it says Remus, you basically asked for this. I dare Remus to take a bath, or if you want; Virgil to give Remus a bath

Remus: I was joking! I didn't expect people to be cruel enough to actually dare me to!

Janus: Well your joke has certainly gotten you a long way now hasn't it

Remus: *growls*

Virgil: Would me giving you a bath help?

Remus: *blushing* I can do it myself

Janus: *smirks* That's a lie. Virgil do it for him

Virgil: Alright, c'mon Remus

Remus: *crosses his arms* No

Janus: *sternly* Remus

Remus: No

Janus: Remus. Take. A. Bath

Remus: You'll never take me alive!!! *tries to run away*

Janus: *trips Remus*

Remus: *falls and tries to escape* No

Virgil: *grabs Remus' legs and drags him to the bathroom* C'mon Dukey 

Remus: *trying to claw at the floor as he is getting dragged*  Virgil please no!!

Remus: *gets dragged in the bathroom* No! No! Noooooo!!!

Janus: *closes the door from the outside* I warned him I wasn't gonna help

Virgil: *quickly locks the door and makes Remus a bubble bath*

Virgil: *hands Remus a makeup remover wipe*

Remus: *snatches the wipe and wipes off his eye makeup*

Virgil: Alright, take off your clothes

Remus: I would make a dirty comment but I'm not in the mood

Virgil: *gives Remus a look*

Remus: *sighs* Fine *snaps his clothes off*

Virgil: *motions Remus to get in the tub*

Remus: *hesitates but gets in the tub*

Virgil: *puts soap on a body scrubber and scrubs Remus*

Remus: *not enjoying this in the slightest*

Virgil: *finishes and rinses him off*

Virgil: Alright time for your hair *puts shampoo in his hands and rubs his hands together* 

Remus: *frustrated sigh* Just do it

Virgil: You sure?

Remus: *nods his head*

Virgil: Good cause I was gonna do it regardless

Virgil: *massages Remus' scalp with the shampoo*

Remus: *trying not to enjoy his scalp being massaged*

Virgil: *rinses Remus' hair and hands him a towel*  All done

Remus: *gets out of tub and dries himself off with the towel*

Remus: *snaps his clothes and makeup back on*

Virgil: *gives Remus a quick kiss on the lips* See that wasn't so bad now was it?

Remus: *grumbles*

Virgil: *pinches Remus' cheek* At least you smell good now

Virgil: *unlocks bathroom door* I present you, Cleanmus

Janus: *sniffs Remus* Oh thank god

Janus: You don't understand how long I've waited for this moment

Remus: *glares at Janus* Are we even now?

Janus: Hmm I won't think about it

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