Rubbing Janus' Scales

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Remus: Virgil where's Jan?

Virgil: He went to go help Thomas with something why?

Remus: Good because we got a dare and a question from SkittlesReadsFanfics

Remus: The dare is for either me or you and it says *Read this when Janus isn't around* I dare Remus or Virgil to ask Patton to rub Janus' scales when they're cuddling or something. I wanna know what would happen if you massage them-

Virgil: Oh god you do it

Remus: *cackles* Oh Jan's gonna have a VERY nice time

Remus: *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Hey Remus!

Remus: Hi Patty~

Remus: Can you do me a favor and rub Jan's scales when you guys cuddle? 

Remus: He REALLY loves getting his scales rubbed

Patton: Sure!

Remus: Great but don't tell him I told you to okay

Patton: Okay!

Remus: Perfect bye Patton

Patton: Bye Remus!

Remus: *sinks back down*

Janus: *walks in the room* Alright what'd I miss?

Remus: Well other then the fact that you got a dare to go cuddle with Patton nothing really

Janus: Oh uh alright I won't be back

Janus: *sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Hey Jan!

Janus: Hey

Both: *give each other a quick kiss on the lips*

Janus: *takes both of Patton's hands* So Patton I wasn't wondering if you would like to cuddle for a little bit?

Patton: *holding Janus' hands* Of course Jan!

Janus: *smiles*

*Time Skip*

Janus and Patton: *cuddling and watching TV*

Patton: *remembers what he has to do*

Patton: *slowly reaches for Janus' scales and starts to rub them*

Janus: *shivers and slightly leans in the touch*

Patton: *rubbing Janus' scales* Wow they really are smooth

Janus: *squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip and thinking* Fuck

Janus: *takes Patton's hand away from his face, blushing and breathing a little heavily* T-That's that's enough darling

Patton: Did I do something wrong?

Janus: No no no of course you didn't it's just that my scales...

Janus: *clears his throat and blushing* They're... Sensitive...

Patton: Sensitive? Like ticklish ?

Janus: *blushing* Yeah... Yeah we'll go with that

Patton: Oh okay

Janus: Yeah

Janus: *clears his throat and gets up* Anyways Patton I don't have to get going

Patton: Okay

Both: *give each other a quick kiss on the lips*

Patton Bye Jan

Janus: Bye Patton

Janus: *sinks back down*

Janus: *takes a deep breath out* 

Remus: *trying not to laugh* What happened Jan? Felt something you liked?

Remus: *cackles*

Janus: *blushing* Remus what the hell was actually the dare!?

Remus: *calming down from his laughing fit* Okay okay so basically it was for me or Virgil and one of us had to tell Patton to rub your scales when you guys cuddle

Janus: *blushing and hitting Remus' arm* You fucking asshole and you did it anyway!

Remus: *cackling*

Janus: Ugh I hate you so much Remus

Remus: *cackles* 

Remus: Alright the last one is a question for you Jan and it says Also question, Janus would you be a dear and mind explaining what you did when you left when Remus and Patton sung Caramelldansen?~

Virgil: Oh god

Janus: *blushing*

Remus: *smirking* Yeah Jan what did you do when you left after I gave you those oh so pleasant thoughts about Patton~?

Janus: *blushing* N-Nothing! 

Remus: Really? You said you were gonna go to the bathroom but you left when there was already a bathroom there so what did you really do hmm?

Janus: *blushing* N-Nothing I was getting rid of my nosebleed!

Remus: *smirking* Riiiight "nosebleed" that's what you're calling it now got it

Remus: It totally was the only thing you were trying to get rid of

Remus: *winks*

Janus: *blushing* Fuck you Remus it was your fault it happened anyway!

Remus: *cackling* Yeah I'm not sorry about it either

Janus: *grumbles*

Remus: *cackles* Oh what's that Jan? You want me to give you MORE juicy thoughts about Patton? Sure!

Janus: No no no no stop I'll let you eat from the trash can for a week just don't okay!

Remus: Hmm Deal!

Janus: *sigh of relief*

Remus: *smirks and gives Janus intrusive thoughts*

Janus: *blushing and punches Remus' arm* You asshole!

Remus: *cackling*

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