Virgil and Remy Bond

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Virgil: Hey Jan I got a dare from Atlas_2

Janus: Yeah?

Virgil: And it says Dare for Virgil: Spend an entire day bonding with Remy to see how Remus will react.

Janus: Oh no

Virgil: Welp we'll see how this goes

*Time Skip*

Virgil: *phone rings*

Virgil: *picks it up* Hello?

Virgil: Oh hey Remy

Remus: *immediately looks up from what he's doing*

Virgil: *glances at Remus* What's that? You want to come over?

Remus: *violently shaking his head and mouthing "No"*

Virgil: Sure of course you can

Remus: *throws his hands up in the air and shakes his head*

Virgil: Alright see you later

Virgil: Bye

Virgil: *hangs up*

Remus: Scare Bear you mind telling me what in THE FUCK that was!?

Virgil: What? I dont see why-

Door Bell: *ding dong*

Remus: Don't answer it

Virgil: I'm answering it

Remus: *frustrated sigh*

Virgil: *goes to the door and opens it*

Remy: Hey bitches!

Remus: *glares at Remy*

Remy: *lowers his shades and sizes Remus* Remus

Remus: *gritting his teeth* Remy

Remy: Y'know I didn't appreciate you dumping my coffee all over me the other day

Remus: *looks at Virgil*

Virgil: *gives Remus a look and nods*

Remus: *sighs* 

Remus: *holding in his anger and gritting his teeth* I'm sorry for dumping your coffee all over you

Remy: *checking his nails* And?

Remus: *glaring at Remy* And for flipping you off

Remy: *smiles and pats Remus' head* You're forgiven 

Remus: *growls*

Virgil: *smiles*

Remy: So Virgil babe how've you been?

Remus: *about to strangle Remy from behind*

Remy: *turns around*

Remus: *immediately turns around looking and pointing at the ceiling*

Virgil: Oh I've been doing pretty good what about you?

Remy: I've been totes amazeballs and-

Remy: Oh! I almost forgot

Remy: *takes out a Chamomile Tea package and a Lavender Tea package from his satchel*

Remy: I got you Chamomile to help calm your nerves and Lavender because I remembered it was your favorite

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