Asclepepper Improv

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Remus: Alright we each got a dare from Sanders_Sides_Psycho

Remus: The first one is for you Jan and it says Yay! Forgiveness! Janus: Since they're already in tiny costumes, you and Patton have your pets do an improv play in front of all the others (Keep it family friendly Viper U^U) the theme: Ascelepepper (I'm sorry If I spelt it wrong ;-;)

Janus: Oh my god

Asclepius: *hissing in Janus' hat* (Did I jussst hear we're doing improve with my husband?)

Janus: *sighs and takes Asclepius and Viper out of his hat* 

Viper: *hiss* (Hey he'sss my husband too Asclepiusss!)

Asclepius: *hiss* (Sure whatever anyways)

Asclepius: *hiss* (What'sss thisss about an improv play I hear?)

Janus: Well you and Viper have to do an improv play with Pepe and the theme is Asclepepper so basically act out a whole love story

Asclepius: *hiss* (Ooh! Interesssting)

Viper: *hiss* (Love ssstory you sssay~)

Janus: They said family friendly Viper!

Viper: *hiss* (Aww no fun!)

Janus: *rolls his eyes and sinks down to where Patton is*

Patton: Hey Jan!

Janus: Hey

Janus: *gives Patton a quick kiss on the lips*

Patton: *kisses Janus back*

Janus: So Patton I didn't have an idea that Asclepius, Viper, and Pepe should perform an improve play in front of the others since they're all wearing mini outfits

Patton: *gasps* YES that would be so cute Jan!

Patton: *takes Pepe out of his tank*

Patton: Hey Pepe you wanna do a little play with Asclepius and Viper?

Pepe: *croaks* (Of course! I would love to! ^-^)

Patton: *giggles* Alright let's go!

*Time Skip*

All: *get cozy together*

Curtains: *open*

Janus: Hello Patton

Patton: Hi Jan!

Janus: I was wondering if you'd like to meet Asclepius and Viper since I've never really got to show you them?

Patton: Of course!

Janus: *takes Asclepius and Viper out of his hat*

Patton: *gasps* AWWW they're so cute!

Patton: Do you think they'll like my frog Pepe?

Janus: Let's find out 

Janus: *puts Asclepius and Viper in Pepe's tank*

Patton: Look Pepe new friends!

Pepe: *croaks* ( *gasps* Yay! ^-^)

Asclepius: *hiss* (Hello there gorgeousss frog! What is your name?)

Pepe: *croaks* (*giggles* It's Pepe! ^-^ And you?)

Asclepius: *hiss* (I am Asclepiusss)

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