Twin Bonding

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Remus: I got a dare from Queen-Slytherdor

Remus: And it says Dare time! Remus, bonding time with Roman, you two need more of it-

Virgil: I'm surprised a lot of people want to see you two bond

Remus: *cackles* They simply enjoy our chaotic twin energy

Remus: But ask and you shall receive! Be right back!

Remus: *sinks down to where Roman is*

Roman: *sees Remus and immediately raises his katana at him* Usually when you come to me alone you have something planned so what are you doing here?

Remus: *raises his hands up* Relax Romano I came here because I just wanted to know if you wanted to have some more brother bonding time

Roman: *looks at Remus suspiciously keeping his katana raised* No tricks?

Remus: Nope! No tricks!

Remus: *smirks mischievously* Unless you want there to be

Roman: *keeps looking at Remus suspiciously with his katana raised* Hmmmmm

Roman: *lowers his katana down* Alright what did you have in mind?

Remus: I was thinking a little quest we're both familiar of

Roman: And that would be?

Remus: Fighting the Dragon Witch! Y'know like old times

Roman: *surprised* Oh sure we haven't seen her in a while I don't see why not

Remus: *takes out his morningstar* Perfect let's go

Roman and Remus: *sink down to the Imagination* 

Remus: Alright now to find her

Roman: *takes out a map* Well if I remember correctly she should be right about-

Wind: *blows causing the map to fly away*

Roman: Okaaay or we just walk and find out

Remus: *cackles and smirks* I thought you liked adventure Robro

Roman: I do but not when it leads to us getting lost to Odin knows where!

Remus: If it makes you feel any better Romano if the monsters get you along the way I'll tell everyone you were a brave hero sacrificing yourself

Roman: *starts to walk with Remus* You're slowly making me regret this

*Time Skip*

Roman and Remus: *reach a sign with two paths and stop walking*

Roman: Alright left or right?

Remus: Hmmmm let's see we have the left path that's clearly your side with the amount of rainbows, flowery fields, and animals or we have the right path obviously being mine with the dark forest and sharp thorny vines with the giant cave in the distance

Roman: *tries to turn to the left path* Y'know the left path doesn't seem too bad and she might be-

Remus: *drags Roman to the right path* Oh no no no we're going this way

Roman: *sighs letting Remus drag him* 

*Time Skip*

Roman: *chopping the vines in their path with his katana walking with Remus* Why couldn't she just hang out in the middle of the open like a normal Dragon they're usually terrorizing a kingdom or something

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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