Chapter 6

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I do not own Grey's Anatomy or any of its characters


They get home and Derek asks her if she wants to rest upstairs.

"Actually I need to go run an errand" Meredith says. The truth is that she really just wanted to go for a run but of course she couldn't tell Derek that.

"An errand? Now? You just got home from the hospital. In case you forgot, you passed out today. You need to rest. We both know you're not doing well" he said shocked and confused why she'd want to run an errand now.

"I just...fine...I'll do it tomorrow. I'm going upstairs." Meredith turned and started walking to her room.

"Want me to come with you?"

"No thanks I want to be alone" Meredith goes to get room and grabs one of her journals. This journal keeps track of the food that she allows herself to eat although it's barely anything anymore. She writes the day's date and writes two bags of fluids. She wants to weigh herself but is scared about how much the fluids will add to her weight. She decides that she'll just weigh herself in the morning like she always does.

Since she can't go for a run she just starts doing crunches and other exercises in her room. After two hours she stops and writes her exercise that she just did in her journal. She decides that whenever she can't go for a run because of Derek she will just exercise secretly in her room instead.

Meredith's body now feels even more exhausted than normal so she gets into bed and instantly falls asleep.

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