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Four days have passed. Slowly they have been able to notice Meredith's pain decreasing. The pain is still there but it's better than what it had been.

Bailey enters Meredith's room during rounds one morning. She sees the intern sound asleep in her bed, snoring as usual.

"Shepherd wake her up. She's going to wake up the whole hospital with her snoring."

Derek laughs at that. "She's pretty loud, I know." He gently rubs Meredith's shoulder. "Mer, wake up sweetie."

Meredith slowly opens her eyes. "Why? It's still dark outside."

"Bailey is here for rounds and wants you awake." Derek said, rubbing the top of her head.

She looks over at Bailey.

"Hey Grey, good to see you awake. I was afraid you were going to wake up the whole hospital with your snoring."

"I don't snore."

"Yes you do." Both Bailey and Derek say in unison.

Meredith scowls at them in response.

"Anyways, Grey I am stopping your morphine this morning. I-" she is interrupted by Meredith.

"What! Why? I need it!"

"Grey, don't interrupt me. Anyways, as I was saying I'm lowering your pain meds. You will be on a low dose oral pain medicine. I need you off of the morphine so I can discharge you in two days."

"Really? I can go home soon?" Meredith asked excitedly.

"Yes, you can Grey!" Bailey said, smiling at her intern. "So I'm stopping the morphine now and also taking out the feeding tube. I need you to be able to eat before you go home."

Bailey gets the supplies she needs to do the two procedures.

"Oh and also Callie is going to be coming in soon to give you a new cast before you go home. Okay Grey let's do this."

She takes the feeding tube out of Meredith's nose. Meredith was very uncomfortable during the procedure.

After that she got the morphine pump unconnected from Meredith.

"Okay Meredith. All done. Here is your first oral pain med dose. It will still make you sleepy." She gives it to her and then leaves the room.

"Derek? Will you lay with me?"

"Of course I will." He gets into bed with her and holds her close. She cuddles into his chest and falls asleep with him holding her.

An hour later Callie comes in with supplies to give Meredith a new cast.

Derek gently wakes Meredith up.

"Hi, I'm still sleepy." she says looking at him and yawning.

"I know, you can sleep after this. Callie's here to give you a new cast."

"Hey Mer! How are you feeling?" Callie asks her.

Meredith shrugs. "I'm sleepy and I still hurt."

"That will slowly get better Meredith. Don't worry." She says smiling at Meredith. "Okay! I need to give you a new cast because you got this one when your leg was all swollen and now that the swelling has gone down it's loose on you now."

Meredith nods.

"What color would you like for your cast?"


"Good choice Grey! Actually, I have a purple that's the exact same shade as your scrub cap!"
Callie tells her which gets a smile from Meredith.

Callie starts to remove the current cast. Meredith is just sitting there with Derek holding her hand.

After she gets the cast off Callie says, "Okay Mer, this is going to hurt." She starts to move Meredith's leg into the position it needs to be in.

"OWWWWW Stop! It hurts!" She says sobbing in pain. She tries to move her leg but Callie grabs ahold of her leg to keep it still.

"'Meredith you need to stay still. We don't want you injuring your leg more."  Callie says.

"It hurts though." She says whining.

"I know. I'm sorry about that." Callie continues to work on Meredith's leg, which gets more crying from Meredith.

Eventually Callie finishes with the cast. "All done Mer, all done. You're okay. You did great." She hates that Meredith is in so much pain. She sees all of the tears running down Meredith's face.

"Derek make it stop hurting!" She sobs.

Derek holds onto her after he gets her to stay laying down. He wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Derek, her chart says she can have more pain meds. I'm going to go grab her some." Callie leaves the room to grab the Medicine.

She comes back with the pills and some water. She gives them to Derek.

"Hey Mer, sit up for a second. This will help take the pain away."

She allows him to help her sit up and swallows the pain meds.

"Can you draw and write on my cast while I'm sleeping?" She asks with her eyes half closed.

"Of course. Get some sleep sweetie."

She closes her eyes the rest of the way and falls asleep.

Callie signs the cast before she leaves the room.

Derek starts doodling on the cast. He writes I love you Meredith Grey on the cast. He draws a stethoscope on the cast.

Derek texts Bailey, Arizona, Mark, Richard and Addison and has them all come in and sign the cast while Meredith is asleep. He has Meredith's friends come and sign the cast too.

I hope you liked!

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