Chapter 63

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It is finally the day Meredith is discharged from the hospital. She is given strict instructions to stay in bed. She needs to rest and let her body continue to heal.

Meredith is laying in her hospital bed waiting for Dr Bailey to come to her room to tell her she can be discharged. She wants to get her discharge papers so badly. She is in a moderate amount of pain but it's pretty manageable on the oral pain meds.

"Derek, when is Bailey going to come? I really want to go home. I want to be out of this hospital bed. There's so much going on outside of here. Ooh I wanna watch my mom's surgery tapes later. My cast itches. Bailey come on? I wanna leave." Meredith rambles.

"Breathe Meredith breathe. She'll come when she's free. You know how busy it gets in the hospital." Derek tells her.

"I know. I just want to go home so badly."

A knock is heard and Meredith looks at the door, hoping to see Dr Bailey walk inside. The door opens but it's just a nurse. Meredith sighs to herself.

The nurse smiles at Meredith and makes small talk as she checks Meredith's vitals. Once she's done she leaves the room.

"Bailey please. Can we page her?"

"No Meredith. We can't page her. She'll come when she can. Just rest, maybe take a little nap."

"I'm too excited to sleep. Dr Bear and I really want to go home."

Derek gets into the bed with Meredith to try to make her relax. He pulls her close to him and holds onto her. Meredith allows herself to relax in his arms. She closes her eyes and manages to fall asleep.

Derek smiles to himself when he sees her sleeping. She's holding her bear in her arms while she sleeps.

Derek is feeling so proud of how far she has come. She's doing so well in her recovery. He's so happy she hasn't relapsed.

Just then the door opens and Dr Bailey walks inside. Derek gently nudges Meredith to wake her up.

"W-what's going on?" Meredith was in a very deep sleep. She rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Hey Grey! Ready to get out of here?" Dr Bailey asks Meredith while smiling at her.

Meredith nods excitedly.

"Okay! There's going to be some rules you have to follow Meredith. You are on strict bed rest! The only times you are allowed out of bed for the next two weeks are for going to the bathroom! Derek will do whatever you need! He'll bring you food and you can eat it in bed. Anything you need he will get for you. We need to allow your leg and knee to continue to heal properly. In six weeks you will be starting physical therapy."

Can I get out of bed to go downstairs? Can't I be out of bed sometimes? I don't like laying down all the time. It makes me feel lazy! And it makes me feel bad about myself. I feel like I'll gain weight just laying in bed all of the time." Meredith says.

"You won't gain weight from laying in bed. And no, you need to stay in bed. Think of your bed like it's your hospital bed. You won't be in the hospital anymore but you'll still be in bed all of the time. Because if you hurt it more, you'd need surgery and you don't want that."

But what if I'm careful? Please Bailey I can't lay in bed all of the time." Meredith says tearfully. "I'm going to get so fat."

"Mer, you won't get fat. I promise." Derek says, trying to reassure her.

"You don't get it! I can't stay in bed 24/7! I just can't! I'll feel lazy which will make me feel so fat and bad about myself. Please don't make me stay in bed that long of a time."

"Mer, I completely understand your feelings but I can't allow you to not be on bed rest. Callie agrees with me that you need to be on bed rest. We can't chance you re-injuring yourself. Your injury has had you in so much pain that we can't chance anything disrupting your healing." Dr Bailey says sympathetically to Meredith.

"You will be okay Meredith I promise." Derek says to Meredith. He gives her a kiss on the forehead.

Meredith doesn't say anything for a minute. "Can I have my discharge papers now?" She says sullenly.

"Will you promise me you will stay in bed? I need your promise in order to allow you to be discharged. I need to continue to feel comfortable with allowing you to be discharged now."

Meredith doesn't say anything. She just ignores Bailey and looks out the window. She doesn't want to agree to this.

Derek nudges Meredith. "Mer, you need to answer Dr Bailey."

"Fine." Meredith says softly. "I'll stay in bed okay? Happy now? Can I have my discharge papers?"

Bailey sighs. She knows Meredith isn't happy about the rules and wishes she could make it easier for her but there's not much she can do about the bed rest rule. She knows it's Meredith's eating disorder that's not happy about the rule.

Bailey gives the paperwork to Meredith who quickly signs it and hands it back.

"Can you help me get changed so we can go?" She asks Derek who nods to her.

"Bye Meredith. I'll check on you later okay?" Bailey says bye to Derek also and leaves them alone in the room.

Derek helps her out of the hospital gown and into a hoodie and sweatpants. He goes to get a wheelchair and helps her into it.

"Dr Bear ready to go for a ride?" She holds Dr Bear in her arms as they are pushed through the hospital. They get to the car and Derek helps her into her seat.

"Bye hospital! See you later! Dr Bear wave bye to the hospital!" She makes Dr Bear wave his paw goodbye.

I hope you liked!  Just a filler chapter but I wanted to get another chapter written for you guys! I'll try to have an update out on Sunday at some point. It's going to be a busy next few days for me.

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