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It's a few nights later and Bailey is sitting down with a cup of coffee while looking over cases. Bailey sighs as she looks over Meredith's chart. "Not good at all" she says softly to herself. She decides to page Derek and Cristina to a conference room.

A few minutes later everyone is in the conference room and Bailey knows she needs to start speaking but she doesn't like giving bad news.

"Okay we are obviously here because of Meredith. What's going on Bailey?" Derek asks.

Bailey sighs. She opens up Meredith's chart and shows it to Derek and Cristina. "She's declining. She needs to accept help soon or else... she might not make it. Her weight is so low and her vitals just keep going down. I'm really afraid something is going to happen to her."

"Can't you force her to eat? Just don't leave until she eats." Derek says with tears in his eyes.

"Derek, you know as well as I do that we can't force her. We can encourage her but she has to be the one to want to get better. Yes, she's getting a little bit of nutrients from the feeding tube but it's not enough." Bailey says softly.

"She needs to eat. That's the only way she'll get better." Cristina says. "Can you let us in to see her? She needs people Bailey. She can't do this on her own."

"Yeah I'm going to allow it. We need to do something to make her want to get better." Bailey says. "We are going to be paying even more attention to her vitals to make sure they don't go down anymore than they already are."

"How has she been energy wise?" Derek asks.

"She's had no energy at all. She always looks exhausted and I've heard from the nurses that she still isn't able to sleep at night. That's from not eating of course. She tries to take naps during the day and sometimes she falls asleep but not always." Bailey looks at her watch. "Okay if you guys want to see Meredith you can. I know they're trying to get her to eat an evening snack now so maybe you can help with that."

They both nod and walk together towards Meredith's hospital room. They get there and see Meredith staring at the snack on her plate. The nurse is pleading with her to eat it but Meredith stubbornly refuses.

"Mer please eat it." Derek says.

Meredith's face lights up when she sees him and Cristina. "Hi!"

Derek feels so sad when he sees how much frailer she looks. And just seeing the feeding tube in her makes him so sad.

"Meredith can you eat that please?" He asks her.

"No my stomach hurts." She says.

"Mer... you can't start this again." Derek says.

"I'm not lying. My stomach hurts!" She lies.

"What if we got you an ensure? You can drink that instead."

She shakes her head.

"Mer. You need to eat! Stop fighting it" Cristina tells her.

"I can't!"

"One bite Mer! Please!" Derek begs.

Meredith starts to sob. "I-I c-can't! I'm gonna get fat!"

"Mer, you're not going to get fat."

"Yes I am! I know I will!" Meredith grimaces. "ow."

"Mer? You okay?" Derek asks.

It takes a minute or so but Meredith eventually nods. "Yeah my chest was hurting but it's better now. I'm tired can I take a nap?"

Derek and Cristina look at each other worriedly.

"Yeah in a few okay? I just want to page Bailey really quick okay?" Derek says.

"Why? I'm fine. It just hurt for a minute."

"Mer I want her to check you out. Your vitals have been going down and we're all worried. And the chest pain doesn't make me worry any less."

Bailey walks in and sees them looking worriedly at Meredith. She notices the uneaten food on Meredith's plate. "Derek what's going on? What's you page me for?"

"Meredith's chest was just hurting her. Can you check her out please?"

Bailey nods and pulls out her stethoscope and listens to Meredith's heart.

"Meredith is this the first time you've gotten chest pains? Be honest." Bailey asks.

Meredith shakes her head. "It hurt earlier a few times."

"I'm hearing a slight arrhythmia and she's still bradycardic. A little bit more than normal." To Meredith she says "Meredith it's very important that you tell us when you're feeling chest pains okay? Can you press the call button the next time it happens when you're alone? I'll make sure you can reach it in your restraints."

Meredith nods. "Okay." She says softly. "I'm sleepy. Can I go to sleep now?"

They all nod and leave the room after telling her good night.

Once outside the room Bailey faces the two. "Guys I'm going to be honest with you two. I'm getting more worried about her. Her heart does not sound good at all. It's a lot slower than what it has been. I'm terrified she's going to have a heart attack if we don't get some weight on her soon."

Derek goes pale. "She can't have a heart attack. She just can't."

"We're doing everything possible to avoid that." Bailey tells them both.

Cristina decides to go into Meredith's room and talk to her a few hours later. She sees Meredith sound asleep in her bed for a change.

She sits in the chair next to Meredith's bed and closes her eyes.

She wakes up a little bit later to hear Meredith whimpering in her sleep.

"C-cris...tina." Meredith gasps. "Wake... up."

She sees Meredith gasping for air.

"Mer. I'm up. What's wrong???"

"My chest ... hurts. A ... lot."

Cristina undoes Meredith's restraints and Meredith's hands go immediately to her chest.

"Meredith does your chest feel heavy?"

A nod from Meredith. Meredith makes a face at the pain.

She grabs a stethoscope from her pocket and listens to  Meredith's heart.

"Cris...tina... it... hurts."  She says clutching at her chest. "I... don't... want to..die." She starts moaning in pain as the pain increases. "Owwwww.... Something's ... squeezing chest... help."

Cristina runs to the hallway and yells for help. "I NEED HELP IN HERE! SHE'S HAVING A HEART ATTACK! SOMEONE PAGE DR BAILEY!!!"

dun dun dun what's gonna happen next

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