Chapter 85

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Meredith starts to slowly wake up as the sedation slowly wears off. Meredith feels so tired still and wants to go back to sleep. But as she tries to fall back asleep she feels a weird sensation in her nose.

"What's that?" She thinks to herself. She opens her eyes and notices a tube coming out of her nose. Her eyes widen as she realizes that it's a feeding tube.

"No. No.No!" Meredith's voice gets louder as she gets more upset. Meredith's heart rate monitor starts to go off because of her racing heart. "I don't need these calories!" And with that she yanks out the tube.

As Dr Bailey is hurrying into the room she witness Meredith pull out her feeding tube. "Meredith! You can't take that out! You need it honey." She says, trying to calm down her intern.

"No! I don't need it! I'm too fat and you guys just want me to gain weight! I don't need a stupid feeding tube!" Meredith yells.

"Mer. You need it. We all know you will refuse to eat so you need the feeding tube to give you needed nutrition. I know you're terrified but we will get you through this. I promise you." Bailey says to the sobbing girl.

"I don't want it. I want to go home."

"You're not well enough to go home. I'm sorry."

Meredith tries to get out of bed but Dr Bailey pushes her back down on the bed. "Mer, you need to lay here. You're not going anywhere." Dr Bailey pages a nurse who comes a minute later.

"Hi could you grab me another feeding tube kit please?" Dr Bailey asked the nurse who nods and goes to get the needed materials.

A loud wail came from Meredith. "NOOOOOOOOO!"

"Mer, I'm sorry. I have to. It's for your own health."

The nurse comes back and Dr Bailey asks her to stay and help. The nurse holds down Meredith on the bed as Dr Bailey attempts to put the tube back in.

Meredith starts to kick her legs wildly to try to get the nurse to let her go. She is sweating a lot from all of her stress and anxiety.

"Please! Don't!" Meredith rips one of her hands out of the nurses grasp and quickly slaps Dr Bailey's hand away from her nose. She then covers her nose with her hands.

Meredith is crying so loudly that the entire floor can hear her sobs.

"Mer, I need to put this back in. Please let me." Bailey says.

"No! It'll make me fat! I wanna go home!"

Callie happens to be walking down the hall and hears Meredith's sobs and she hurries to her room. She wants to try to help in any way that she can. She gets to her room and sees that Dr Bailey is trying to put a tube down Meredith's nose. She realizes that Meredith must have taken it out.

"Bailey, can I help you?" Callie asks loudly to be heard over Meredith's sobs.

"Yes! Come hold her upright for me and take hold of her hands." Bailey says.

Callie goes over to Meredith. "Hey Meredith. You're going to be just fine sweetie. I'm going to sit behind you okay?" She pushes Meredith's body up a little so she can sit behind her. She tries to grab hold of Meredith's hands and Meredith sobs loudly.

"Stop! Stop!" Meredith tries to not let Callie grab hold of her hands but Callie is a lot stronger than she is so Callie is able to grab her hands.

"Nooo. Please don't!" She wails when she can't move her hands because Callie is holding onto them tightly. Her eyes widen when Dr Bailey starts the process again. She starts to panic when Dr Bailey begins to put the tube down her nose.

Meredith starts to gag when the tube goes down her nose.

Eventually Dr Bailey finishes and Meredith is not happy at all.

"I WANT TO GO HOME!" Meredith yells out in between sobs.

"We've discussed this Grey. We need to get you healthy so you need to stay here." Dr Bailey tells her.

"I don't care!"

"Mer..." Callie says. "You need this. We all need you healthy again. Don't you want to be able to come back to your internship at some point?"

"Don't care anymore. Probably failed this year anyways." Meredith mutters. "Just let me go home! I'll sign myself out AMA! I don't care anymore! You guys will just make me fat here! I can't be fat! I need to get skinnier!"

Just then Dr Wyatt enters the room and says, "I'm sorry Meredith but I'm not allowing you to go home. I'm sectioning you because of your low weight and vitals. You will not be going home until I say you can." To Dr Bailey she says, "A nurse told me she pulled out her feeding tube so she needs to have these restraints on. And she's also a fall risk and I know from her last stay she would secretly exercise. None of that will be happening this time. You hear me Meredith?"

Meredith just ignores her and continues sobbing.

They manage to get the restraints on Meredith and this makes her even more upset.


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