Ch 69

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Another week has passed and Meredith has been continuing to decline. She's been weighing herself every day and continues to see her weight drop every day. Every meal she would think of an excuse of why she needed to eat by herself or the majority of the meal by herself. Once by herself, she would proceed to dump all of the food into the bush. She loves Derek but hopes he'll go back to work soon.

"Hey Meredith, I wanted to tell you something! So I talked to Richard and I am going to go back to work part time. Are you sure you're okay with that?" Derek asked.

"Yes! Of course I'm fine with that! Derek I'm so happy for you! You get to do what you love! I can't wait until I get to go back to work again." Meredith told him. "When do you start?"


"Oh wow! So soon! That's amazing! Dr Bear and I are so happy for you!" Meredith said smiling at him. "Hey Derek wanna know a fun fact?"

"Thanks! And sure."

"I've decided to give me and Dr Bear a ship name. You know how ours is merder? Well me and Dr Bear can be Bearedith. Do you like it? She asked him while giggling.

Derek chuckled. "That's funny. I like it Mer."
He gets up to get ready for work. "Oh and Mer? Arizona is going to come over to help you while I'm at work."

Meredith was not expecting this piece of news. "Arizona's coming over. That's ... great." She said fiddling with her fingers. "Uh when does she come?"

"She'll be here soon and will help you with whatever you need. She'll help you with meals too of course. She told me she's excited to cook for you."

"Fantastic... uh that's great. Hold on I need to go to the bathroom." Meredith had to get some alone time before she completely freaked out.

She went into the bathroom and leaned against the wall trying to get her breathing under control. "I don't think I can do this. She can't cook for me. I need to continue losing weight. What if she doesn't leave me alone during meals?" Meredith rambled to herself under her breathe with tears running down her face.

Meredith was so anxious that she would do anything to make those feelings stop. She grabbed a scalpel and made a few cuts on her thigh. She knew she couldn't do much with Derek on the other side of the door.

"Hey Mer, you okay in there? You've been in there for a while?"

"Yeah I'm fine! Just washing my face! Be out in a few!"

A minute later she walks out of the bathroom and gives Derek a fake smile. "You should get ready for work so you're not late!"

Derek smiles back at her and gets ready for work. He leaves the house twenty minutes later after giving her a kiss goodbye. "Arizona should be here very soon! I hope you guys have a fun day! I know she said she hoped you guys would watch movies all day."

Meredith smiles at him. She thinks to herself "but I need to exercise and I can't do that if she's in there with me. What do I do? I can't watch movies all day. I need to exercise to lose weight."

Arizona arrives 10 minutes after Derek leaves. "Grey! I'm here!" She yells as she makes her way to Meredith's room.

She walks into the room and has a huge smile on her face when she sees Meredith. "Meredith! I've missed you so much! How have you been? We've missed seeing you at the hospital."

"I've been great Arizona!" Meredith lies. She thinks to herself "I'd be better if I could lose more weight."

"So I was thinking we could watch movies today! What do you think? Any preferences?" Arizona asks.

"Um... can we watch The Notebook?"

"Ooh good choice Mer!" Arizona turns on Netflix and finds the movie and they start watching.

Well, Arizona status to watch at least. Meredith may look like she's watching but in reality she's just trying to think of how to get alone time so she can exercise. By the time the movie is over Meredith realizes she didn't even really watch the movie. Good thing she's seen it like a million times.

"I love that movie so much! Okay I'm starving! You must be also! What should we have?" Arizona asks all cheerful.

"Uhh, I'm not sure. I don't have a preference." Meredith says nervously.

"I'll go figure something out! Be back soon!" Arizona leaves the room to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the two of them.

As soon as she leaves Meredith throws off her covers and gets on the floor and starts to do her normal workout. She listens very carefully for Arizona coming back up the stairs. Meredith tries to get as much of her workout as she can.

Arizona stays downstairs for thirty minutes before she comes back. As soon as Meredith hears Arizona's footsteps she hurriedly gets back into bed. She fakes being asleep as a way to hopefully get out of eating.

Arizona walks into the room and sees Meredith asleep. She sets the food down on the dresser and goes over to Meredith.

"Mer, sweetie, it's time to wake up. It's lunch time." Arizona sweetly says to Meredith.

"Nooo, let me sleep." Meredith fakes being tired.

"Meredith it's lunchtime. I can't let you skip lunch with your past. I don't want you to think you can skip meals again. You need to eat."

"Too late. I've already relapsed." Meredith thinks to herself.

"Can you leave the lunch here? I'll eat it when I wake up." Meredith says sleepily. "I'm tired Ari. Let me sleep please."

"Mer, I don't know."

"Please Ari!"

"Okay fine. But I'm going to come back in here in an hour and if you're not awake then I'm going to wake you."

"Okay. Thank you." Meredith rolls over and fakes falling back asleep. She throws in a snore for good measure.

Arizona smiles at Meredith sleeping and leaves the room again.

Meredith gets out of bed and starts exercising again. "Ow! My leg hurts." She mutters to herself. She continues to exercise and put pressure on it.

After a fifty minute workout Meredith stops just in case Arizona comes back in early. She gets back into bed and it's a good thing she did because Arizona enters the room three minutes later.

Arizona notices the food is untouched and Meredith is still sleeping.

"Meredith, it's time to wake up. Lunch time!" She rubs Meredith's shoulder gently to wake her up. She thinks to herself that Meredith's shoulder seems bonier than what it should be. She wonders if Meredith is doing okay eating lately.

"Mer, come on. It's time to wake up." She says when Meredith doesn't move. "Grey! Wake up!"

"I'm awake!" Meredith mumbles.

"Okay great. Do you want me to stay in here while you eat?" She brings the food over to Meredith.

"No, it's okay. I know you have stuff you need to do. Derek told me you were bringing some work over to do also." She said smiling sweetly at Arizona.

"I can stay with you if you'd like though."

"It's okay! I appreciate that though Ari!"

"Okay! I'll let you be then. Enjoy your lunch Mer!"

"Thanks Ari! You're the best!"

Arizona smiles at Meredith and then leaves the room.

Just in case Arizona comes back up Meredith waits ten minutes before getting rid of her food. After ten minutes pass she gets out of bed and opens her window she gets her food and scrapes it off of the plate and into the bush.

"This is going to work! I'm finally going to get skinny again! I'm going to lose all the weight they made me gain plus more. My body just can't be at this high of a weight."

Meredith grins to herself thinking how smart she is.

I hope you liked!!! Let me know if you have any ideas!

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