Chapter 90

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Dr Bailey sees she has a 911 page to Meredith's room and runs there and gets there very quickly. She sees nurses surrounding Meredith and sees Meredith holding her chest and gasping for breath.

"Dr Bailey! She's having a heart attack!" Cristina yells.

Dr Bailey curses in her head and jumps into action.

Dr Bailey quickly gets to work on Meredith. She yells out for certain medications and they are quickly injected into Meredith's IV.

Meredith, wide eyed, looks into Dr Bailey's eyes. Dr Bailey can see the fear in them.

"You're okay. You're going to be just fine Meredith." Dr Bailey says, trying to calm Meredith down.

"I... don't ... want ... to... die." Meredith gasps out. "I want... Derek. My chest ...hurts! Make it... stop!"

"Somebody page Dr Shepherd asap." Bailey says to the nurses who nod and page Dr Shepherd 911. To Meredith she says, "You're not going to die. Not on my watch."

Dr Bailey quickly finishes treating Meredith and she can see that it's worked. Meredith is getting calm again and no longer gasping for air or having any chest pain.

"I want an EKG run stat!" Dr Bailey orders.

A nurse quickly runs to get the portable EKG machine and attaches the electrodes onto Meredith's chest.

The EKG shows that the heart attack is gone but her heart is very weak.

Derek rushes in just then. "What's going on??!!"

"Meredith had a heart attack Derek. But it's back to normal now." Bailey tells him.

Derek's eyes go wide and he starts to cry. He goes over to Meredith and rubs the top of her head. She smiles weakly at him.

"Her vitals are not good at all. Her heart is very weak and she is very bradycardic." Bailey says. "We will be monitoring her heart even closer."

All of a sudden they hear a small cry. "I don't want to die! I'm scared!" Meredith wails.

"Shhh, you're going to be okay Meredith." Derek tries to soothe her."

"I'm scared! That hurt so bad! I don't want to die." Meredith says sobbing loudly. "I don't feel good!"

"Derek don't let her get worked up! Her heart can't take it." Bailey says.

"Mer, you need to calm down. You will be fine! We need to get you eating again. That will help you the most. Can you try to eat for us?" Derek asks her.

"I'm scared to eat. I don't want to get fat." Meredith says weakly.

"You won't. I promise." Derek says, climbing into bed with her. To Bailey he says, "I'm going to keep the restraints off her for now. She's too weak to do anything anyways."

"Okay, that's fine for now. They'll have to go back on later but yeah she's extremely weak."

Meredith has even less energy than normal. The heart attack completely wiped her out. She has no energy to move even an inch. She just wants to lie there and sleep.

Derek pulls her into his arms and just holds her there to keep her calm. She relaxes into his body and quickly falls asleep.

A little while later Meredith wakes up having to use the bathroom. "Derek?"

"Yeah sweetie?"

"I need to use the bathroom." She weakly says.

"Do you need help?"

"Yeah. I don't think I can walk right now."

Derek helps her out of bed and into the bathroom. She quickly does what she needs to and has Derek help her back to bed.

She lays in Derek's arms and has Dr Bear in her arms.

"Mer, sweetie, we need you to eat. You having a heart attack was a sign that your body can't handle you not eating anymore."

"I'm scared. I want to but I can't." She cries.

"Just tell yourself that your body needs it to be healthy. You're never going to get out of the hospital if you don't. And honestly Mer? At the rate you're going your organs are going to start to fail soon. Bailey was telling us this earlier. If you don't start to eat soon Mer, you're going to die."

"But I don't want to die! I want to stay here with you and Cristina!" Meredith sobs.

"We don't want you to die either Mer. That's why it's so important that you start eating. Please Mer. I'm begging you. Please eat."

Meredith is clutching Dr Bear to her chest and is feeling so scared right now. She knows she needs to start eating but it's so hard. She doesn't want her organs to fail and the heart attack scared her so badly.

"I... can try." She whispers.

"Thank you Mer." Derek says with a tear running down his face.

Meredith snuggles into his chest and falls asleep.

After a while of laying there Derek got a page and so he unfortunately had to leave. He got out of bed without waking her and put her restraints back on. He felt so bad about it but knew he didn't have a choice.

He feels hopeful though that Meredith will eat. He smiles at her sleeping form before leaving the room.

I hope you liked! Everyone go stream Red (Taylor's Version)! I can't stop listening to All Too Well (Ten Minute Version).

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