Chapter 23

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I do not own grey's anatomy or any of its characters


"Did you hear about that patient up in psych? Apparently she's throwing a HUGE fit. I wouldn't want to be her doctor that's for sure." A random intern says to her friend.

"Oh I heard, all right. This patient is crazy. She won't do anything they're asking her to do. It's like she doesn't want to get better. At this rate she's just going to die up there all by herself. I heard she's an intern here. Don't know how she managed that. I bet she's going to drop out of the residency program, there's no way she'll last"

"Seriously. This girl is throwing food and back talking nurses. This girl is far from being a doctor. She can't even apply medical advice to herself. She's doing this to herself you know? She's one of the anorexics up there."

Derek hears the two interns and grows worried, hoping they are not talking about Meredith. Meredith has been throwing fits up in psych because of not wanting to eat.

"First of all you are not supposed to be bad mouthing any patients! She is allowed to struggle! Second of all, this is going to make her ten times a better doctor than the two of you! She is going to learn how to take care of herself and how to apply that to others. Yes, she's missing out on her internship right now but she's going to fly right past you both when she returns. Also, that's my girlfriend you're talking about. Don't you dare talk about her again. Get out of my sight before I report you two to the chief!" Derek told them.

"Yes sir, sorry sir. Won't happen again." The two interns quickly left in a state of embarrassment.

Derek is really worrying about Meredith. He knows she hasn't been doing well at all. He knows she has been throwing tons of fits which isn't like her at all. Bailey told him how she sat with her the other day and calmed her down but it took a while.

Derek wants to visit his girlfriend but she has him on the no visitors list. "Screw that list. I'm going to go see her. I need her." Derek heads up to psych to go see Meredith.

"Hi Dr. Shepherd, what can I do for you? You do know Meredith requested not to see you right?" The psych nurse said to Derek.

"I know I just really need to see her. Can you please let me in to her please?"

"I'll try talking to her. Let me see what I can do. But if she says no again you need to respect that Dr. Shepherd."

"Oh thank you!"

The nurse goes to talk to Meredith. She knocks on Meredith's door and opens it. She sees the small girl doing laying in bed staring at the wall. She threw a massive fit that morning and is now super tired and has even less energy than normal.

"Hi Meredith, I was wondering if you were up to a visitor?"

"Who is it?" Meredith questions.

"It's Derek. He really would like to see you. He's very worried about you."

Meredith doesn't say anything for a couple of minutes and then responds. "Ok, he can come in."

"Great! Let me go and get him!" The nurse goes back to Derek. "Great news! She has agreed to see you. Just a warning though, it's been a really rough morning for her. She managed to eat a little bit more this morning but got extremely upset afterwards. It's taken a lot out of her."

Derek goes into Meredith's room and smiles as he is so happy to see his girlfriend. "Mer, I've missed you."

"Hi." She says softly. "I'm sorry."

"Aww sweetie don't be sorry. You didn't ask for this. You are going to get past it."

"I don't know. It's so hard. I don't like eating and I'm terrified of my weight going up. I get so scared every time they weigh me. They told me I'm still losing weight which makes me happy and I want that to continue. I'm trying though. I ate a little more today. Which was super hard. I don't know if I can continue doing that."

"Mer look at me. You are amazing. I know it's scary but I know you can do it. I'm so proud of you for eating a little today. We all are. And even though your weight decreased again you're still working on getting better. Just don't give up. You'll get there. It's just going to take some time.

"Thanks. Will you lay with me?"

"Of course I will"

Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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