Chapter 24

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I do not own grey's anatomy or any of its characters


Meredith perked up at the sound of her name. It sounded like a few of the nurses were talking about her. She was able to make out that Dr. Bailey was going to be coming up to take her weight soon.

"Crap" she thinks to herself. She knows she hasn't gained any weight. Even with the NG tube in her, she knows that it won't be enough to make her gain any weight. Ok well deep down she knows that but she feels like she's gaining weight. She needs them to think that her weight is higher than what it actually is. She knows that they would be really disappointed to find out how low her weight still is. It's a good weight for her but a bad weight to the doctors.

She gets up and goes to the bathroom attached to her room. She tries the handle and finds out it's unlocked. She thinks that some nurse forgot to lock it behind them the last time they let her into it. She goes into the bathroom and starts drinking a lot of water. She stays in there for a while until she thinks she has chugged a significant amount of water. She doesn't want to get caught so she makes sure to leave the bathroom before Dr. Bailey comes to get her.

Five minutes later Bailey comes into the room.

"Hello Meredith! Time for a weight check."

"No. I don't wanna." Even though she just chugged a lot of water she still doesn't want them to see her weight.

"Meredith. You know we need to get your weight every morning."

"You really don't. Just say you did it but really don't do it. Nobody's gonna know."

"Grey. No we are not doing that."

"I'm not moving out of my bed. So unless you want to weigh the bed also..."

"Stop it Grey. If you don't get out of this bed and into this wheelchair in 3 seconds I will make sure you don't see an OR for a long time when you are okayed to come back for work."

"Fine." Meredith gets into the wheelchair and crosses her arms and pouts."

They go down the hallway and enter an exam room. Meredith sees the scale and is instantly terrified.

"Bailey please don't make me." She whispers.

Bailey kneels down in front of Meredith. "Meredith. I know it's hard but you can do it. And remember you aren't going to see the weight. You're not going to be facing the scale. Come stand backwards on the scale for me please."

"Okay" she whispers. Meredith gets on the scale and moves her hands around anxiously , playing with her fingers.

"Perfect. You can sit back down."

"It's not perfect." Meredith mutters to herself.

Bailey sees that Meredith's weight is a few pounds higher than the day before. She doesn't realize it's a fake weight.

Bailey wheels Meredith back to her room and helps settle her into her bed. "I'm proud of you Grey. You're working really hard."

"It worked!" Meredith thinks to herself with a slight smile on her face. "I'm gonna fool them into thinking I'm better. I'll just hide the food and they'll think I've eaten it also. And then they'll get rid of my NG tube. I'm so smart. I'll be out of here in no time." She thinks to herself.

I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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