Chapter 94

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Meredith is trying to get better but it's super hard. She decides that she will try to eat half of her lunch. She ate a little bit more than normal for breakfast and she's still feeling bad about that but knows deep down it was the right thing to do for her health.

A newer nurse enters her room with her lunch and sets it down and takes her restraints off so that she can eat.

Meredith looks at her food and is feeling anxious. She is telling herself that she needs to do this. "Can Dr Bailey come and eat with me please?"

The nurse shakes her head. "No I'm sorry I was instructed to sit with you today."

Meredith doesn't like that answer and scowls at the nurse. A few minutes later she takes a bite of her food. A tear runs down her face after she swallows it. She continues to eat and is feeling so much anxiety while doing so.

The nurse stands up after the thirty minutes allowed for her meal is over. She comes over to collect the rest of her food. She notices that Meredith ate half of the food on her plate. "Great job Meredith! You ate so much more food today!"

"I ate a lot?" Meredith says softly. "Oh no oh no oh no" she thinks to herself. She asks herself  in her head why did she eat that much.

Meredith's mind is going a hundred miles a minute now. She is overthinking everything. She doesn't hear a word the nurse says as she leaves the room.

A minute after the nurse leaves the room Meredith notices that she forgot to restrain her. Meredith gets a smile on her face and gets out of bed and walks over to the door. She slowly sticks her head out the door and looks both ways to see if there are any nurses or doctors coming her way. Seeing none she slips out of her room and quickly walks down the hallway and into the stairwell.

Meredith makes her way down the stairs making sure no one is nearby before she goes down each flight of stairs. They would know something is up if they see a sickly looking girl in a hospital gown.

Meanwhile back on Meredith's floor Dr Bailey enters Meredith's room to check her vitals only to discover that she isn't there. She quickly goes over to the nurses station and questions the nurses there.

"Excuse me where is Meredith Grey?"

"What do you mean? Isn't she in her room?" A nurse asks.

"If she was in her room do you think I'd be over here asking you where she was??!!"

"Let me page the nurse who sat with her for her lunch." The nurse pages the nurse who sat with her. She arrives just a minute later.

"Hi Abby, do you know where Meredith Grey is? She isn't in her room."

"She's not in her..." The nurse breaks off mid sentence with her eyes widen open. "Oh no."

"What?!" Bailey says annoyed. "Where is she?"

"I-I forgot to restrain her again after her lunch. I'm so sorry!"

"You are an idiot!!! Those restraints are there for a reason! And one of those reasons was just proven! I'm going to go find her. Page Shepherd and let him know. Call a code and say we have a missing patient after you page Shepherd." Bailey rushes off to find her intern.

The nurse pages Shepherd to tell him that Meredith is missing. He tells the nurse to not call a code because that will make Meredith hide but the nurse tells him that it's protocol to call a code when a patient is missing.

After paging Dr Shepherd the nurse calls a code. "Attention Seattle Grace Hospital, we have a missing patient. If you see a girl wandering throughout the hospital in a hospital gown please let a staff member know immediately." (Pretend the hospital has a loudspeaker throughout it haha)

Meredith hears that people are looking for her and curses under her breath. She sees that she's on a quiet floor of the hospital and hides behind a gurney. She knows that there's no way she'd be able to make it out of the hospital unseen with people on the lookout for her.

Dr Bailey and Dr Shepherd are just some of the people looking for her. Her other friends and other attendings are helping look also.

Derek is searching the hospital and gets off the elevator at a quieter floor. He knows no one has searched this floor yet. He sees nurses walking around but still no Meredith. He walks the halls on this floor and hears a sneeze. He stops walking and looks around. He sees a gurney against the wall with a blanket hanging off of it making it impossible to see what is under the gurney. He moves the blanket out of the way and sees Meredith there. Her eyes widen when she sees Derek.

"Hey Mer, what's going on? You okay?" He asks her quietly and pages Bailey to let her know he found her.

Meredith looks like she is about to make a run for it and Derek prepares himself in case she does. A moment later she gets up and leaves behind the gurney and tries to run off but Derek grabs her.

"No! Let me go! I want to leave! I want to go home! They're just trying to fatten me up!" She yells, kicking in his arms.

"Shh, calm down. You're okay Mer. Everything is going to be just fine." He says trying to calm her down.

"No! Let me go!!!" She kicks and tries to get out of his grasp but he won't let go.

"Meredith, you can't go home yet sweetie."

"Yes I can! I hate it here! I wanna go home!" She sobs. She tries to get out of his grasp.

"Mer, we need to get you back upstairs." Derek notices a nurse coming towards them with a syringe in her hand. Derek nods at the nurse and the nurse silently gives it to him when she gets close enough. Luckily Meredith is too upset to notice.

"No! I'm not going back upstairs! You can't make me! I'm going home!" She yells. All of a sudden she feels a pinch in her arm where Derek injected her with the needle. The sedation takes effect immediately and she goes limp in his arms, falling asleep instantly.

He brings her back upstairs to her room and gets her back upstairs in her bed. He puts her arms and legs back in the restraints. He sits in the chair next to her bed and waits for her to wake up.

An hour later she wakes up and sees she's back in her hospital room. She sees Derek sitting next to her.

"Hi." She says softly.

"Hey Mer. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"Meredith we need to talk. I need you to get better. I need you to be healthy. You promised me you would try to get better.I want to spend the rest of my life with you but we can only do that if you get better. I'm so scared you're going to die. I don't want that. I want you to be healthy. I want to have a child with you but we can only do that if you're healthy."

"I want that too. I want to be with you forever. I want a baby with you. I promise I'll try. For real this time. I want to be with you forever even when we're old and smelly and senile." Meredith smiles at him. "I love you."

"I love you too Meredith Grey."

A few hours later Meredith's dinner is brought to her and she remembers her promise she made to Derek. She sighs and forces herself to eat. She reminds herself of the life she can have with Derek if she gets healthy. She finishes her whole dinner that night.

Bailey gets a report from the nurse that night and sees that Meredith ate her whole dinner. "Things are turning around!"

I hope you liked! We are almost done!

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