Chapter 48

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The next morning Meredith wakes up and looks over and sees Derek sitting in the chair next to her bed, smiling at her.

"Hey sleepyhead, did you sleep well?" Derek asks her.

"Hi" she whispers sleepily. "I did."

"Good Mer I'm glad. You deserve to get a good night's rest."

"Hey Derek? I have a question for you?"

"What is it sweetie?"

"Do you love me?" Meredith looks nervous as she asks this question. She needs reassurance of his love for her because it seems to her that no one loves her and they all end up leaving her. Her mother and father, Cristina, and Bailey (in her head) all have left her and don't care about her.

"Mer, of course I love you." He seems shocked that she has to ask him.

"Please don't ever leave me. I don't think I could handle it if you ever left me. I need you."

"I'm not going anywhere. I will always be here for you. I promise."

"Okay." Meredith smiles.

"I need to go run an errand, I'll be back soon. I love you Meredith." He gets up and gives her a kiss before he leaves the room. She tells him she loves him also.

Derek wants to go get Meredith a special something that she can always hold on to that will remind him of his love for her. He decides to go to Build A Bear and make a bear for her.

He drives over to the local mall and makes his way over to the Build A Bear store inside. He is greeted by a store employee. "Hello sir, can I help you find something today?"

"Hi, yes I want to get a stuffed animal for my girlfriend who's in the hospital. She's been there for a few months now with anorexia and I just want her to have something she can cuddle with and remind her of my love for her when I'm not there." His eyes sparkle when he talks about his love for Meredith.

"Aww that's so sweet of you. I'm sorry to hear that about your girlfriend. She is a lucky girl to have you as a boyfriend. You seem to care about her so much! Anyways here's the stuffed animals we have. Pick any out and then bring it over to the girl over there and she will stuff it for you!"

Derek thanks her and takes a look at all the stuffed animals they have to offer. He decides to get a light brown teddy bear with patches on it. He brings the bear over to the girl stuffing the bears. "Do you guys have the voice recordings?"

"We do!" She brings him over to the machine and shows him what to do. After he is satisfied with the recording she stuffs the bear and puts the recording in the bear's paw. She has him give the bear a hug to make sure it is the right amount of stuffing in it.

"If you're interested you can dress your bear up also!" Derek sees a surgeon's outfit and decides to get that one. It comes with scrubs, a surgical mask, and a scrub cap. He dresses the bear and goes to pay for it. He decides that he doesn't want to have the bear wear that scrub cap. He has an extra ferry boat scrub cap at home and decides to go and get it and have the bear wear it.

Meanwhile back at the hospital Meredith is starting to think Derek left her and isn't coming back. At first she was fine when he left but he's been gone for an hour and now she is doubting that he'll come back. Derek had left right as breakfast was being brought in to her. She ate her entire breakfast but now that snack time is coming and Derek isn't back she isn't so sure she wants to eat. All she wants to do is lay in bed and cry. She doesn't know why Derek isn't back or if he is even coming back to her.

The nurse brings in her snack and places it in front of her. Meredith just shakes her head at it. "Meredith you need to eat it. It's snack time."

"I can't!" She wailed. "Everyone leaves me! I don't think Derek is coming back!" She starts to cry more.

Soon snack time is over and Meredith hadn't even taken one bite of her snack. The nurse sighs as she takes it away.

"I want Derek." Meredith whispers to herself.

Twenty minutes later Derek arrives back at the hospital. He hurried as fast as he could but knew he'd been gone for a long time. He races up to psych and walks over to Meredith's room.  He sees her all curled up into a ball on her bed. She doesn't see that he's there yet.

"Meredith..." Derek says, walking into the room.

"Derek! You came back! I thought you left me!"

"I would never leave you! I have a present for you! I got this for you to remind you of me when I'm not here!"He moves his hand from behind his back and gives her the build a bear box.

Meredith excitedly opens the box and sees the bear inside. She pulls the bear out of the box and gives it a hug! "I love it!" She squeals. "And omg he's wearing scrubs!"

"Press his right paw Mer." Derek tells her, smiling.

She presses the bear's paw and it says "Meredith Grey I love you so much"

"I love it so much! Thank you Derek!" She hugs the bear to her chest again. "I'm going to name him Dr. Bear!"

"Very original Mer, I like it."

"Derek?" Meredith looks over at Derek. "Promise me you'll never leave me and Dr. Bear?"

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here."

"You need to promise"

"I promise you Meredith Grey. I'm not going anywhere."

"Pinky promise? I don't want you to ever leave me and Dr. Bear."

"I pinky promise" they clasp pinkies and shake on it.

AN: so I actually made a Meredith Grey build a bear a few months ago. I got her hospital ID from Etsy lol. I didn't want to put the scrub cap on so she just has scrubs and her mask on her

I hope you liked this chapter!!

I hope you liked this chapter!!

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