Chapter 45

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The next morning Meredith decided to put her plan into action.  She doesn't care what she has to do, she just wants out of there and fast. She can't believe that not one person will let her go home now. She's going to show them that she's ready to go home.

Meredith quickly got out of her bed and walked over to the entrance of her room. She stuck her head out of the entryway and looked both ways to make sure no one was coming. Seeing no one, she quietly closed her door.

She went over to where her clothes are kept and got some extra pieces of clothing out. She put them on and put her hospital gown over it that Bailey makes her wear when she gets weighed. She figured it would make her look good if she was ready to go before Bailey came to get her. Hey, no one has to know the real reason why.

She quickly made sure none of her clothing was  able to be seen, wanting people to believe her, she made the decision to leave it be and she was fine. She just had to make it look like she had gained weight and she would be fine.

She opened her door again so Bailey wouldn't question it and got back into bed so she wouldn't appear suspicious. Five minutes later Bailey walked into the room with a wheelchair.

"Morning Grey. Time to go get weighed."

"Why? We don't have to do this every single morning." Even though she had a plan to make her weight appear higher she still doesn't want anyone but her to see her weight

"I'm not even going to answer that. Let's go. Don't make me pick you up and put you in this chair." Bailey said to Meredith.

"Fine I'm coming. Jeez." Meredith got up and got into the wheelchair not wanting Bailey to pick her up because she would be able to feel the extra clothes under her gown if she were to do that.

"Meredith... enough with the attitude."

"It's not like people are keeping you here against your will." Meredith muttered. Bailey still heard her but chose to ignore her.

They got to the exam room and Bailey had Meredith go on the scale backwards. She wrote down Meredith's weight. "Great job Meredith! Your weight increased! This is what you need to do to get out of here. Keep it up!"

Meredith gritted her teeth together and tried not to scream or cry. Even though she knows her weight isn't higher she doesn't like hearing that her weight has increased.

"Oh by the way, Cristina said she was going to stop by today to see you."

"Ok" Meredith whispered, trying to hold herself together.

They get back to her room and Meredith is left on her own until breakfast so she uses this time to change out of her gown and all of her extra pieces of clothing.

A little while later it's breakfast time and a nurse arrives with her breakfast. She sets it in front of Meredith and sits down.

After a few minutes of eating Meredith asks the nurse if she can have some water in addition to her milk. She just needs an excuse to have the nurse leave her alone for a few minutes.

"Sure I will get you some." The nurse heads to the door but then stops and turns back towards Meredith. "Oh wait, I need to get someone to watch you while I am gone. You can't be alone with your food."

"Crap" Meredith thinks. That didn't go the way she planned.

The nurse stands in the doorway and asks a nurse who is walking down the hall to watch Meredith for a minute while she gets her water.

Meredith manages to hide some of her food when the new nurse turns her back for a minute to grab something that was on the floor.

The nurse comes back with water a few minutes later and relieves the other nurse. "Here's your water. You're making great progress on eating all of your food today. I can tell you want to recover so you can go home."

"Yeah, I really want to go home so I'll do anything to make that happen."


True to her word, Cristina arrived a few hours later for her visit.

"Hey Meredith. I hope you are in a better mood today! I heard you are doing a great job today!"

"Just because I ate and my weight stupidly decided to go up doesn't mean I'm doing a good job. In fact it means the opposite okay?! I wish everyone would stop telling me I'm doing a good job or that I gained weight! I don't need to gain anymore weight!"

"Woah I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just thought..." Cristina starts but gets interrupted by Meredith.

"You don't understand! Everyone says stuff and thinks it's okay but it's not. I'm the one who's going through this. I'm all alone. I'm miserable. You know nothing about mental illness. You don't get it and you never will. All you care about is surgery. It's always surgery this and surgery that. Well guess what? I don't care. I'm being force fed here and you're happy over some stupid surgery. You don't even care to stop by afterwards to see your person who's stuck here. Ever since they stopped letting you eat with me a month ago I've only seen you a handful of times. Every time I ask where you are and why you haven't come to visit me I'm always told you're in a surgery. Clearly you've stopped caring about me. Clearly I don't mean enough to you to care about when I'm sick."

"You think I don't know anything about mental illness??!! That's a load of crap and you know it Meredith. I dealt with my father when he was going through stuff when  I was young. I just can't be around you right now. You don't seem to want to take care of yourself of even attempt to. I just don't know what to do or say around you anymore. I'm always scared I'm going to upset you and make you worse."

"No you just don't care." Meredith says.

Just then a nurse walks in with Meredith's lunch. Cristina starts to walk towards the door.

"Hey! I'm not finished yet! You can't leave!" Meredith yells out.

"Wanna bet?" Cristina asks.

"Actually it's lunch time so she needs to leave." The nurse says. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave Dr Yang."

"I'd be happy to leave." Cristina says to the nurse. To Meredith she says, "I'm finished. Stop trying to talk to me Meredith. I am done. You can't chase me. I'm leaving unlike you who's stuck in a hospital bed." And with that Cristina goes to leave the room.

Meredith quickly grabs her tray of food that the nurse set in front of her and throws it at Cristina's back as she's walking away.

I hope you liked!

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