Chapter 72

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It is finally time for Meredith's appointment with Callie. It's been six weeks since she was first injured. Meredith is so excited to get her cast off today. She decides to not mention the pain her leg has been in. Meredith is so excited to have it off so that she can exercise even more now.

They get to the hospital and head over to see Callie. Derek helps Meredith over to a chair and then goes to check her in.

A few minutes later a nurse comes to check Meredith in and get her vitals. "Meredith?"
Derek helps Meredith up and they both walk towards the nurse.

"Hi, I'm Nurse Anna and I'll be getting your weight and vitals this morning."

"M-my w-weight?" Meredith nervously asked.

"Can she stand backwards? She has an eating disorder and doesn't need to see what her weight is." Derek asks the nurse.

"Of course." The nurse says. "Follow me."

She leads them to a little room and proceeds to get Meredith's heart and blood pressure first. "You feeling okay dear? These aren't horrible but they could be better."

"I'm fine." Meredith says softly.

Derek is surprised when he sees Meredith's vitals but says nothing. He's sure it's just a one time thing and they'll be better soon.

"Okay dear let's get your height." The nurse measures Meredith's height. "Can you stand on this scale please?"

Meredith makes no attempt to move to the scale.

"It's okay dear. You can stand backwards. You have nothing to be concerned about. Your weight is just fine. I wish I was as small as you!"

"Thanks." Meredith mutters.

"Mer, it's okay. Let the nurse get your weight." Derek says to her.

"I don't wanna." Meredith says.

"Mer please."

"No! She'll see that I'm fat!" Meredith wails.

"You're not fat at all sweetie!" Derek says. Eventually because Meredith makes no effort to get onto the scale Derek picks her up and sets her onto the scale and the nurse is able to get a read on her weight quickly. Derek notices that her weight is lower than what it should have been. He quickly calculates in his head what a healthy weight for her should be and quickly realizes that her weight is a lot lower than what it should be.

"Meredith have you been eating? Your weight is a lot lower." Derek asks her worriedly.

"Yes! Of course I have been! I'm not trying to relapse!"

"Your weight looks like you're trying to relapse! Your weight is really low Meredith!"

"No it's not! It's too high! I'm too fat!" Meredith says starting to cry.

Derek decides to drop the subject for now.

The nurse leads them to an exam room and has Meredith change into a gown. The nurse leaves the room and says Callie should be in within a few minutes.

Callie comes into the room a few minutes later and notices how quiet the room is and sees dried tears on Meredith's face.

"Hey guys! How are you guys?" Callie says happy to see both Meredith and Derek.

"Fine." Meredith mutters.

Callie can tell something is up with Meredith and looks over and Derek who shakes his head.

Callie claps her hands together. "Ok Meredith, I'm just going to take a quick X-ray of your leg and we'll see how it's healing! Has it been hurting any?"

"No." Meredith lies.

"And you've been staying off of it?"Callie says, looking Meredith in the eyes.

"Yes." Meredith mutters. Of course she's lying though.

"Callie, I've caught her a few times walking on her cast putting all of her weight on her leg." Derek said.

"Grey! You know better!" Callie scolds.

"Sorry." Meredith muttered. Even though she didn't see her weight, Meredith has been in a bad mood since being weighed.

The scans come up and Callie doesn't like what she sees. "Meredith." She sighs. "Your leg hasn't healed. These scans tell me you've been on your feet a lot! I know that because it should've been healed by now but it still has a ways to go."

Meredith doesn't say anything and just looks out the window.

"Meredith. How often have you been on your feet instead of being on bed rest like I told you to?" Callie asks.

No response.

"Meredith? I need an answer please."

"A lot." Meredith whispers.

"Thank you for being honest with me. So I'm assuming you were exercising?"

Small nod from Meredith.

"Meredith. I'm sorry but your cast has to be on for two more weeks." Callie says.

"NO!" Meredith yells out.

"Meredith I have no choice. Your leg is still not close to being healed yet. You need to stay on bed rest. I mean it. Promise me you will stay on bed rest. You are to not get out of bed for anything! Derek will help you with whatever you need. He will help you in the bathroom also."


"No buts Meredith. This is all on you. If you had stayed off of it like I asked I could've taken it off today but it has to stay on now." Callie says. "Derek can I have a word with you outside please?"

He nods and they go outside of the exam room.

"Derek is she okay? Why is she exercising on her leg? She knows better. Also I saw her chart from when she came in today. Her vitals aren't great and her weight has dropped a lot. Has she relapsed?"

Derek sighs. "I don't know. She says she's eating but I just don't know. I saw her weight today and it's so much lower than what it should be. Arizona has been worried about her and said she saw her dumping her food into a bush but I thought she was fine. Now I just don't know."

"She looks so much smaller Derek. I'm sure she's been hiding her size with layers right?"

"Yeah she's been wearing a lot of layers lately. I thought she was just cold." Derek said.

"I mean at her size I'm not surprised she's cold. But yeah you can really tell how skinny she is in her hospital gown." Callie said.

"I know. I'm going to pay close attention to her and make sure she eats. She's not going to be happy but it's for her own good." Derek said.

I hope you liked! Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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