Chapter 92

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After learning the bad news about Meredith's heart and what needed to be done about it, Dr Bailey and Dr Yang informed Derek about it. Meredith was sleeping so he said he would tell her later. Dr Bailey said that she would be performing the procedure and Cristina would be assisting her. They decided to do the procedure the very next day.

The next day arrives and Dr Bailey comes into Meredith's room early the next morning with Dr Yang following close behind.

They see Meredith sound asleep in Derek's arms with her snoring as usual. He had come into her room early to be with her before her procedure.

Derek sees them come into the room and gently shakes Meredith's shoulder to wake her up.

"Mer, time to wake up." He whispered to her.

"No, not yet. I'm sleepy." Meredith mumbled tiredly with her eyes still closed.

"Mer, Dr Bailey and Cristina are here. They are here to do your heart procedure."

Meredith's eyes burst open and fear can be seen in them.

"No! I don't want to!" She says, starting to cry.

"Mer, you need this." Cristina says.

"No!" Meredith wails and hides her face in Derek's chest.

"Meredith it's going to help your heart. Your heart needs this." Derek says, trying to comfort her.

"I'm scared." She cries. "I don't want to do this."

"I know you don't but I promise you'll be okay." Derek says.

"It's going to hurt." She sobs. "I'm scared!"

"Meredith, you won't feel anything. We're going to numb you up." Dr Bailey tells her.

"See? You won't feel a thing." Derek tells her.

"Will you hold me while they do it?" She asks quietly with tears running down her face.

"I can't hold you because they need you to be on the table so they can work on you. But I'll be in the room with you okay sweetie?"

Meredith nods her head and continues to cry.

"Meredith we're going to do the procedure right here so we don't have to move you." Dr Bailey says. "Derek, if you don't mind moving now."

Derek nods and kisses Meredith on the forehead and then gets out of the bed. Or tries to. Meredith is holding onto his shirt and doesn't want to let go.

"Nooooo. Stay here with me. Please! I'm scared." She sobs.

"I'm not leaving don't worry. I'm just going to sit over here. I need to give them space to work." He says, eventually getting her to let go of his shirt. He goes and sits in a chair away from her bed.

"Okay Meredith we're going to get started." Dr Bailey says.

Meredith's eyes widen and she starts crying harder.

Cristina goes over to her to console her. "You're okay! Don't worry! You're going to be fine Mer. I got you." She rubs the hair away from Meredith's forehead.

"Okay Meredith. I'm going to inject you with this to numb you up. After this you won't feel anything." Dr Bailey grabs a needle and injects it into Meredith while she sobs.

After a few minutes Meredith is completely numbed up and they are able to begin. Cristina cleans the area and then Bailey guides her on where to insert the needle.

Right before she can put it in Meredith starts to hyperventilate because of how scared she is. "I don't need that! I'll be fine!" She sobs. "Please don't! I'm fine! I don't want it!"

Derek gets up and consoles her and calms her down after a few minutes. Cristina is then able to insert the needle into Meredith's chest. Meredith looks at the needle fearfully and just sobs. Dr Bailey then takes the needle out once it has reached the correct area and then inserts a catheter in its place. The fluid around Meredith's heart then drains through the tube.

After a while they finish the procedure and Meredith slowly stops crying and hugs Dr Bear to her chest.

A few hours later Meredith's lunch is brought into the room and Derek helps her through it. He has to help her through every bite but she manages to eat a little bit more than she did at breakfast. She had to make sure her utensils and napkin were in the correct spot before she could even attempt to start. She managed to eat a little more than a quarter of the meal. It's a little bit more than before but it's still progress so Derek was happy about it.

"Good job Meredith! I'm so proud of you." Derek says, smiling at her.

Meredith doesn't say anything back. Her mind is currently running a list of everything that she just ate through her head.

"Mer? You okay?"

"I feel really fat! Why did I eat that???" She cries. "I shouldn't have."

"Your body needs the food. You need it to be healthy. You have to eat. It will get easier I promise." Derek says to her.

"It's so hard! I hate it! I hate this so much!" Meredith wails.

"I know. I hate this for you too. I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this."

Meredith is quiet for a few. "Derek?"

"Yeah Mer?"

"I don't want to die. I'm trying to eat but it's so hard."

"I know sweetie. You won't. You just have to keep eating and get healthier. Promise me you will eat."

"I'm trying." She says softly.

"Can you promise me that you will eat? I know it'll take you a little while to be able to eat your full meal plan but will you promise me you will keep trying to eat and we will get you back to eating full meals?"

"I p-promise." Meredith says, looking down.

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