Chapter 20

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I don't own grey's anatomy or any of its characters


"Derek she's being very combative with me. I tried to get her to eat but she refuses. She doesn't even see that she's sick. She thinks she's fine but she's not. I looked at her charts and Derek they're not good in the slightest." Amelia said to her brother.

"I know. She can't see it. Every day that passes she keeps getting worse. I don't know what to do anymore. I just need her to be ok again." Derek said tearfully.

"I'll keep trying Derek. She's gotta give in at some point. I'm just so glad she has the NG tube. Even with that she's still losing weight." Amelia says.

"Bailey is taking her for another weight check now. I really don't want to know how much more weight Meredith has lost."

"Derek, I'll go wait for her to come back and I'll try talking to her again."

"Thanks Amy"

Amelia leaves and heads to Meredith's room. Meredith gets back with Bailey a few minutes later. Her face is all tearstained. Amelia assumes there was another fight to get her on the scale again. Bailey helps Meredith back into bed.

"Mer, I'll come back to check on you later." Bailey says and leaves the room.

Meredith looks at Amelia and says "I want to know my weight but they won't tell me. It's not fair! It's my weight, I should be able to know what it is. They won't even let me see my own damn chart."

"You don't need to know any of that Meredith."

"I do though!"

"Meredith we really need you to eat. Can you eat at least one item for now from your meals?"

Amelia continues to say that she can get used to eating more over time but Meredith stops listening after she says eat just one person of your meal.

"Just one part?" Meredith asks

"Yes, that's all we're asking from you."

Meredith's brain turns this into only eating one item from now on. She decides she can do that and still lose weight. She won't add more over time and she'll also choose the food with the lowest amount of calories to eat. She thanks Amelia in her head for this idea.

Amelia has no idea Meredith is thinking this way. All she wants is for her to get better.

"Can you start eating for us please?"

"Maybe. We'll see." Meredith says. "Can you please tell me my weight please???" Clearly she still has her weight on her mind.

"No Meredith I am not telling you your weight."

"Fine" Meredith says and turns away from Amelia and closes her eyes to go to sleep.

Let me know what you think! Leave suggestions for me please

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