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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay! Here's the next chapter!


Meredith wakes up and is confused by her surroundings. She then realizes she's in a hospital room with an IV attached to her. Her first thought is if there are any calories in the IV.

"No. No. No." Meredith said with each no getting more and more agitated that the last. " I can't have this. I don't want the calories." She then rips out the IV and feels successful until she hears a voice in the room.

"Meredith, I know you're scared but you need to leave the IV in. I'm going to page a nurse to put it back in." Derek says.

Meredith can see that it looks like he's been crying. " I don't want it back in. I don't need it."

"Yes you do need it. You are very dehydrated Mer. We need to replenish your fluids." Derek tells her.

"But...but I don't want the calories." She mutters.

"Meredith there aren't any calories in that. It's just fluids to replenish your system. Don't worry." He says, while smoothing the hair on the top of her head.

" You promise there aren't any calories?"

"I promise."

Meredith breathes a sigh of relief and agrees to let the nurse put the IV back in her when she comes in a few minutes later.

After the nurse leaves Meredith looks at Derek. "When can I go home? I want to go home." She isn't mentioning the fact that she tried to kill herself.

Derek sighs. " Meredith. You aren't going home yet. As soon as Dr Bailey and Dr Wyatt know that you're awake they are going to be moving you up to psych for a 72 hour hold. You tried to kill yourself Meredith. You aren't going home."

"No! I'm not going to psych! I'm not! You can't make me! I refuse!" She yelled loudly.

"Meredith you have no choice. You tried commit suicide and that automatically puts you on a 72 hour hold up in psych." Derek tells her.

Meredith starts to sob. "No! I'm not going! They're going to make me fat!"

"They just want to keep you to make sure you don't try to harm yourself again Meredith. If you show them that you aren't a threat to yourself they will release you once the 72 hour hold is up. I already paged Dr Bailey and she will be here any minute to transfer you up to psych."

Right after Derek finishes talking Dr Bailey comes in with a wheelchair. "Hi Grey. You gave us quite a scare. We were all very worried about you. And still are very worried about you." Bailey told her intern.

" I don't want to go to psych! You don't have my permission! And if you do put me in psych I'll sign myself out AMA!" Meredith told them.

"Meredith we don't need your permission. After someone tries to commit suicide we automatically are able to admit them to psych for a 72 hour hold. Same reasoning goes for why you will not be able to sign yourself out AMA. You will have to stay there for the whole 72 hours and if they decide you are no longer a threat to yourself they will discharge you. But I'm sure Derek has already told you all about this." Bailey told her sullen looking intern. "I'm going to help you out of bed and into this wheelchair now so we can bring you up to psych."

" I am fine. I don't need to go." Meredith told them, refusing to get out of bed.

Bailey chuckles. "You are not fine in the slightest Meredith Grey. We aren't even talking about how you've relapsed. And if you don't get out of bed and into this wheelchair don't think I won't have Derek pick you up."

"He wouldn't!" After she says that Derek stands up and goes over to the bed and pulls the covers off of her. He picks her up easily without any difficulty.

"Put me down!" She yells, pounding her tiny, ineffectual fists against his chest.

Derek ignores her and sits her down in the wheelchair.

"Meredith please stop causing trouble and let us help you." Derek says.

"I don't need any help! I am fine!" She says stubbornly.

Both Derek and Dr Bailey ignore her and start wheeling her up to psych, ignoring all of her protests the whole ride.

After Meredith is settled in up in psych Derek is forced to leave as she isn't allowed any visitors. She lays in bed and cries, eventually falling asleep.

She wakes up later on that day to a nurse gently shaking her shoulder to wake her up. "Dinner dear. Time to wake up." The nurse says. The nurse is not aware of her eating disorder.  This nurse is so new that she didn't look at Meredith's chart. She hasn't been trained properly. She just knows she's in for a suicide attempt and didn't bother looking at the rest of her chart.

Meredith quickly decides how to get out of eating during her stay up in psych these next few days. She decides she will just fake being sick. "I don't feel well. My stomach hurts. I can't eat. Otherwise I would." She lies. She just needs to convince them that she is fine and the only reason why she can't eat is just because she's 'sick'. Plus she doesn't mind losing more weight from not eating during her stay here. She realizes she won't have Derek here trying to force her to eat.

"Oh you poor thing. I totally understand not wanting to eat when your tummy hurts. Maybe you'll feel up to eating tomorrow?"

"Yeah hopefully!" Meredith says.

"I'm your nurse over your stay here so just let me know if you don't feel well and I won't force you to eat."

"Aww you're so sweet." Meredith says with a smile on her face.

"I'll take this food away dear. You get some rest." The nurse takes the food and leaves.

Meredith smiles mischievously to herself. "This will be so easy!" She whispers to herself


Cristina decides to bring Meredith some stuff to hopefully warm Meredith up to her again.

Cristina decides to get a medical journal for Meredith and a smoothie, hoping she'll drink it. She doesn't realize how badly Meredith has relapsed.

Cristina goes up to the psych floor and asks to see Meredith.

"Oh, I'm sorry. She's on a 72 hour hold so she is not allowed any visitors." A nurse tells her.

"Could I just bring these to her quickly? I'll leave after a minute." Cristina asks.

"I'm sorry but that isn't allowed either. She cannot see anyone while admitted. I can give these to her though." The nurse says.

Cristina sighs. "Okay. Can you tell her it's from Cristina and that I'm sorry for everything?"

"Of course dear." The nurse takes the items and Cristina leaves reluctantly.

The nurse walks to Meredith's room and goes in. She sees Meredith curled up on the bed, staring at the wall.

"Hi Meredith. Someone named Cristina dropped you off some items. She also says she's sorry about everything."

The nurse puts the drink and the medical journal on the nightstand. She then leaves the room.

Meredith wonders why Cristina apologized. Does she want to be friends again she wonders.
Deep down a part of her wants to be friends again but the other part is scared she'll stop being friends with her again. But another part of her is just like screw it I don't care about anything anymore. Whatever happens happens.

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