Chapter 46

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Wow I can't believe I'm already at chapter 46!


A few hours later Meredith is still fuming and mad at Cristina. Since she threw her lunch at Cristina the nurse had to go get her a new lunch. She was so mad she refused to eat but ate her snack later on.

Dr Bailey came to visit her after she ate her snack. "Meredith. Why on earth would you think it's okay to throw food? That's what children do!" She yelled at Meredith. "We have had this discussion multiple times now. You still haven't learned not to throw food! I had a nurse come find me after I did an appy to tell me what you did! That is unacceptable Grey! Unacceptable do you hear me?!"

Meredith bursts into tears. "I-I'm sorry!!!" She wailed. "Cristina made me mad. She said some mean things to me! She doesn't like me anymore Bailey! I don't have a person anymore!" She sobbed.

"Mer, I'm sure she's just upset. Everything will be fine between you too."

"No it won't! She hates me! She said we're done!" Meredith is hysterically crying. "I-I knew something was wrong for a while. She never visits me anymore. I'm all alone. And now she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. I hate my life Bailey. I want C-Cristina to be my f-friend but she doesn't want to anymore! She said she's done with me." At this point Meredith can't talk anymore as she is too hysterical.

"Breathe. Meredith, deep breathes Mer. Copy my breathing Mer." She breathes loudly for Meredith to copy. "Good, just like that. Mer, Cristina is just upset. She won't stop being your friend. She just needs some time to cool down."

"I need her though. I'm all alone here. I just want to go home. I hate being here. I'm miserable. I hate being stuck in a bed Bailey."

"I know. It's hard but you can do it. Why don't we see if Cristina will come up here and you can apologize to her? I heard from a nurse that you provoked her. So it's not all on her. I know she said some nasty stuff to you but you said stuff too. You need to take responsibility for your actions Meredith."

"Can you page her?" Meredith says softly.

"Sure." Bailey texts Cristina to come up to Meredith's room. She gets a response saying she's busy. "I'm sorry Mer, she said she's busy right now."

"No she just doesn't want to see me!" She wails, starting to get worked up again. "She's never going to be my friend anymore. She doesn't like me and never will again. We won't be the twisted sisters anymore. I-I can't do it without her. I-I won't survive without her."

"Yes you will Meredith!" Bailey's pager goes off. "I just got paged to the pit. I'm going to get Derek to come and sit with you. You're not in any state to be by yourself right now."

Derek comes up a few minutes later. He sees Meredith crying in bed and just goes and lays in the bed with her and holds her. She burrows her head into his chest and just sobs eventually falling asleep.

I hope you liked! As usual if you have any suggestions let me know!

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