Chapter 60

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It's late at night now and Derek is sitting next to a sleeping Meredith. The meds kicked in immediately after she pressed the button for morphine and she fell asleep a few moments later. She woke up a few times since then in excruciating pain and had to press the button for more pain meds. Derek feels so bad for her since she is in so much pain.

Derek hears a soft knock at the door and looks over to see Callie and Bailey standing in the doorway. Bailey gestures for him to come to them. He kisses Meredith on her head and goes out to them.

"Hey Derek. We need to talk to you about something. Let's go to this conference room." Bailey says to Derek.

They get to the conference room and close the door behind them.

"Why are we in here? Is she okay?" Derek asks in a concerned tone.

"She's fine Derek. Well as fine as she can be right now. We just wanted to talk to you about something and figured it would be easier to do it in here since it's late at night." Callie said.

"First, I know we just said we wanted her here overnight for observation but with the amount of pain she's in she needs to be here longer so we can control her pain. And since she's been in an excruciating amount of pain when the morphine wears off each time, I just don't feel comfortable sending her home tomorrow." Bailey explained to Derek.

"Okay that makes sense. That's fine. I don't want her to be in any pain so that's fine that she stays here."

"And then the second issue... well... that's gonna be a bigger problem." Bailey starts to say.

"What do you mean?"

"Derek, Meredith has been in so much pain today that she either hasn't been able to eat anything or she's been asleep from the pain meds and simply couldn't eat because she was sleeping. She needs nutrients in her body and she's not getting them. She got injured around lunch time today and let's see it's 11pm now." Bailey says, checking her watch. "She hasn't eaten all day. And because of her anorexia we can't afford to have her weight decrease even a little. I talked to Dr Wyatt about the situation and she agrees that if Meredith is still in too much pain and can't handle eating or is asleep from her pain meds by tomorrow we will need to insert a feeding tube."

Derek doesn't know what to say. He agrees that she can't lose weight and needs nutrients in her body but at the same time he knows that she'll freak out when she sees that she has a feeding tube. He tells both doctors this.

"We know she won't like it. Trust me I hate this as much as she does. She's doing well right now and I hate giving her a feeding tube when she's doing well but if she can't eat because of the pain then we have no choice." Bailey says softly. "We just can't let her weight go down Derek. You know that will trigger her into wanting to lose more. We can't risk that either."

"You're right. Okay fine. If she doesn't eat anything by the time lunch is over you have my permission to give her a feeding tube."

"Thanks Derek. And her cast looked great the last time I checked on it. I know she'll hate how bulky it is but with her type of injury it required it." Callie said.

"I'm heading out for the night but I'll be back tomorrow. Derek page me if she needs anything." Bailey said.

"I will. Thank you guys" Derek said as they walked to the door.


The next morning the rest of the interns are in the locker room getting ready for the day. Bailey is about to come get them for rounds.

"Where's Meredith?" Alex asked. He didn't know what happened as he was off the day before and was out of town.

Cristina burst out laughing. "You mean you haven't heard what she's done now to land herself in the hospital."

"Mer's in the hospital? Is she okay?" Alex asked, really worried about his friend. He had no cell reception when he was out of town so that's why he had no idea anything happened.

"She fell down the stairs yesterday and broke her leg and I think I heard she tore a ligament in her knee." April said. "Poor Mer. Poor girl's been through so much."

"It's poor Mer this, poor Mer that. I'm tired of the discussion always being about her. I hate that girl, I can't believe she was my best friend before. Man was I stupid or what."

Bailey walked into the locker room as Cristina was saying all of that and just stood behind her with her hands on her hips glaring at Cristina.

"Wanna repeat all of that?" Bailey said. "Scut for you today Yang." She gave out the rest of the positions for the day. She has April and Alex on her service today.

April and Alex follow behind Bailey to go do rounds.

They feel to room 2214 and Bailey opens the door. They walk in and April and Alex see that Meredith is the patient in this room. They gasp silently when they see her injuries. She has a few scrapes on her face and they see her broken leg with the cast on it. Meredith is still sleeping.

"Derek can you wake her up please?" Bailey asks.

"I don't know if that's a good idea. She was up a lot during the night in a lot of pain. She was crying a lot because she was in so much pain and she had already hit her max for pain meds for the day. I finally got her to go back to sleep around 4am."

"Yeah I heard that from the nurses that she was up during the night in pain. Unfortunately as much as I want her to stay sleeping I need to wake her up to do a neuro exam on her."

Derek sighed and gently rubbed Meredith's shoulder in an attempt to wake her. She woke up and you could tell immediately that she was in a lot of pain.

Meredith woke up and all she could feel was pain. She wanted more morphine so she could go back to sleep and not feel any of this pain.

"It hurts!" She said sobbing. "Owwww, make it stop!" She started to reach for her morphine pump to give her more meds but Derek grabbed her hand before she could do that since he knew that would make her fall back asleep.

"Hey Mer, I know it hurts. You can go back to sleep in a few minutes. Dr Bailey needs to perform a quick neuro exam on you okay sweetie?"

Meredith just continued to sob in pain. "Make it stop hurting please."

"Hey Mer, I'll do this quickly okay sweetie? I know you're in a lot of pain. We're going to make you feel better okay?" Bailey got out a flashlight and moved it back and forth in front of Meredith's eyes. Bailey finished her exam after doing a few more tests. She then nodded at Derek saying she could go back to sleep.

"Hey Mer, you can go back to sleep now. Go ahead and push the button for more morphine okay? I love you."

Meredith immediately pushed the button for more morphine the minute he said she could. She started to say I love you too in between her tears but fell asleep before she could finish her sentence.

After telling Derek that the neuro test results came out normal her and her interns left the room and left Derek with a sleeping Meredith.

I hope you liked!

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