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It's been two days since Meredith has forgiven Cristina. Meredith still doesn't have the energy to do anything anymore. She just continues to lay in bed and hold Dr Bear in her arms. She knows if she were to stand up she would pass out.

Derek keeps trying to talk to her but she doesn't feel like talking. When he talks to her she just shrugs or shakes her head. And then closes her eyes to go back to sleep.

Derek comes upstairs and sees that Meredith is awake but just staring blankly at the wall. "Mer? Honey? You okay?"

No response.

Derek walks over to her and stands in front of her to try to get her attention. He takes a hold of one of her hands. "Mer? Talk to me sweetie."

Meredith just closes her eyes.

"Mer. I know you're not sleeping yet. Can I get you something to eat please? You need to eat something. Anything."

Meredith shakes her head.

"Meredith you need to eat something. I'll make you whatever you want. Please baby I need you to eat."

"Not hungry." She whispers.

Derek notices she's shivering even with her mountain of blankets on top of her. "You still cold? Want another blanket?"

She nods.

He gets another blanket and puts it on top of her.

"Mer I really would like you to eat something. I'm really worried about you. Your vitals are not good at all. They keep worsening sweetie."

"Don't care." She whispers.

Derek lets a few tears escape. "I'll be right back."

No acknowledgment that she heard him.

He sighs and leaves the room. He gets out his phone and calls the last person he ever thought he would call for help.

Ring. Ring.

The person answers. "Hello?"

"Hey Cristina. I need your help. Meredith isn't doing well at all. Can you see if you can help with her? Her vitals are worsening and she's not talking and continuing to refuse food."

"I'll be right over." Cristina says.

She gets there fifteen minutes later and Derek lets her in. She goes upstairs to Meredith and sees her laying in bed. "Hey Mer!"

No response.

"Mer, we need you to eat something sweetie." She sees how much paler Meredith is than

"Not hungry."

"Can you drink something at least?"

"Not thirsty."

"Please? Mer I'm gonna tell you a secret. Derek is very close to taking you to the hospital. We need you to eat. We're terrified something is going to happen to you."

"I'm fine." Meredith whispers.

"You're not fine sweetie." Cristina sits down on the bed next to Meredith. "Can I get you some water at least?"

Meredith is quiet for a minute and then nods.

"Okay! I'll be right back!"

She goes downstairs and sees Derek.

"Any luck?" He asks.

"She just agreed to have some water but that's it. She just talks in very short sentences."

"At least she's talking a tiny bit, she wasn't even talking earlier."

"She's not doing well. Maybe we should call Bailey?" Cristina asks.

"Yeah I'm going to do that." He dials Bailey's number and she answers soon after the first ring.

"Hey Shepherd. How's she doing?" Bailey asks.

Derek sighs. "Bailey she's not doing well at all. She's not eating and her vitals keep worsening. All she's agreed to is a cup of water. I don't know what to do. I'm terrified Bailey."

"You should bring her in. She needs to be admitted Derek. Do you know what her weight is?"

"I'm not sure. I just know she's lost more. Do you want me to get a weight from her?"

"Yeah see if you can get one while I'm on the phone. I want to know what we're dealing with and how much she's lost this past week." Bailey says.

"Okay, I'm going to go upstairs to her." Derek says. He and Cristina go upstairs.

"Mer, we need to get your weight." Derek says softly.

"Nooo." Meredith says weakly.

"Meredith we have to. Dr Bailey wants to know what it is."

"Don't wanna." She murmurs.

Dr Bailey had Derek put her on speaker phone. "Meredith we need to get your weight. Please let us do that sweetie."

"No." She says softly.

Derek goes over to the bed and pulls the covers off of Meredith. "Cristina can you take the scale out and put it on the floor in the bathroom?"

Cristina finds the scale and sets it down.

"Noooo. Don't wanna!" Meredith whines.

Derek picks her up and she has so little energy that she can't even fight him. He puts her feet on the scale and lets her stand for a second while they get her weight.

"Bailey, it's not good." Derek said.

"She's lost even more?"

"Yeah." Derek says.

"Damn it." Bailey says.

Meanwhile Meredith is standing there and her vision is getting blurrier by the second. She feels like she's going to pass out. She feels extremely weak and doesn't know how much longer she can stand up for.

Cristina notices something is wrong with Meredith. "Mer, are you okay?"

Meredith falls to floor unconscious.


"Call an ambulance! I'll get an exam room ready. We should've admitted her days ago." Bailey said. She hung up.

"Meredith! Wake up! Come on wake up!" Derek said, shaking her shoulders lightly.

No movement from Meredith.

Finally a minute and a half later she wakes up and is all out of it.

She moans softly.

"Mer? You okay? You just passed out." Derek says. "You're going to be okay. The ambulance is on the way."

"Nooo. No ambulance." She moans.

"Mer. We need to get you to the hospital."

"No hospital." She whines weakly.

At that moment the EMTs rush up the stairs and into the bathroom.

They get her on the stretcher and quickly bring her to the ambulance. They attach her to all kinds of monitors.

Meredith weakly tries to fight them but she isn't able to do much. "Don't wanna." She then notices them preparing an IV. "No! No IV! Too many calories! No! No! No!"

"Mer, there's no calories in that. Calm down sweetie. You're going to be just fine." Derek tells her, rubbing her shoulder.

The EMTs get the IV in her and she cries loudly.

They get to Seattle Grace Hospital a few minutes later.

They fling open the doors and Dr Bailey is right outside the ambulance waiting for them. She quickly takes control and brings her inside into an exam room.

Meredith is sobbing and Bailey tries to calm her down. "Shhh, you're okay. You're going to be just fine Grey."

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