Chapter 57

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In order to soothe herself Meredith has been using the bear's recording to calm her down. She just presses it over and over again. Derek hears his voice saying I love Meredith Grey multiple times during the day.

On this day, both Meredith and Derek both have the day off. They decide to run some errands during the day. They go to Target first which is one of Meredith's favorite places to go. She brings the bear with her and puts it in the front seat of the shopping cart and pushes the bear in it. They go and get all of the items on their list.

Meredith sees a shirt that she likes and decides to try it on. She grabs her normal size thinking it'll fit. She goes to the fitting room and brings the bear with her. She tries on the shirt but gets upset when it doesn't fit her. "What. This should fit. This is my size." She starts to breathe heavily. This shirt is a tighter fitting athletic shirt that looks good with leggings. Meredith doesn't even think about the fact that it's a tighter fitting shirt that you would have to size up on. Most people would need a bigger size in order for this shirt to fit comfortably. All Meredith can think about it that this is her size and it should fit. She just keeps thinking about how fat she thinks she is.

She presses the bears paw to hear the message. Over and over again. The message keeps repeating itself each time she presses the button until it doesn't anymore.

"Come on work!" She says to the bear. She presses the paw again. Still nothing. She is starting to cry. She is already dressed back in her clothes so she quickly rushes out of the fitting room. She runs around the store in a panic looking for Derek.

"Derek? Where are you?" She says to herself.

Eventually she finds him in the health and beauty section picking out new toothpaste.

"DEREK!" She sobs. She runs up to him and gives him a big hug.

"Hey Mer, what's going on? What's wrong?" He asks his hysterical girlfriend.

"D-dr B-bear's paw isn't working!!!!!" Meredith wails, attracting attention from nearby customers. Derek notices that and tries to get her to calm down.

"Shh it's okay! Maybe it'll start working again! Don't worry Mer. Can I see him?" Meredith doesn't want to give the bear up. "I'll give him right back. I promise." Meredith nods and gives him the best. He presses the paw a few times but it still doesn't work.

"Can you fix it?" She asks him.

"I can't but we can go to Build A Bear and see if they can." That satisfies Meredith for the moment and they leave Target and head over to the mall. A few minutes later they arrive and walk towards Build A Bear.

"Meredith can I see your bear so we can see if he can be fixed?" She nods and hands the bear to Derek. Derek spies a store employee and goes over to her.

"Excuse me. Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I got this bear for my girlfriend and the recorded message stopped working. Is there anything you can do to fix it?"

"Sure! I can have you record a new message and swap out the recordings in the paw."

"Great! Thank you so much. You don't know how much that means to my girlfriend." Meredith is holding his hand and smiles when she hears that it can be fixed.

Derek goes and records the same message for Meredith's Bear. The employee swaps it out in the paw.

"Here you go! Good as new!" She hands the bear back to Meredith who gives it a big hug. Meredith is beaming with happiness. She was so worried about her Bear not being able to be fixed.

Derek pays for the new recording and they leave to store to head home. It's close to dinner time so Derek asks Meredith if she wants to grab some takeout for dinner.

"No thanks." Meredith says.

"Okay that's fine but you still need to eat dinner."

"I know, can you cook something for us? I just don't want takeout."

"Of course."

They arrive home and Derek starts to get dinner ready. Meredith goes upstairs to their bedroom. She is feeling really anxious right now and has no idea why. She wants to not feel anxious anymore. That's part of the reason why she has been so reckless lately. She just does stuff without thinking of the consequences and it gives her a rush of adrenaline and takes away the anxiety.

She needs to feel that rush of adrenaline right now so she heads to their bathroom. She leaves the door open since she has their actual bedroom door closed.

She spies Derek's prescription pain pills that he got prescribed a few months ago when he hurt his ankle and decides to take a few. She has the pill bottle open on the counter and shakes a couple out onto her palm, not hearing Derek open the door to their bedroom. She swallows the pills right as he walks in to the bathroom to grab something.

Derek sees Meredith swallow something and sees the open pill bottle on the counter. "Meredith, did you just take some of my prescribed pain meds?"

"No!" She lies.

"Meredith, the bottle is open. I haven't used them in over a week. I know you took some."

"I don't know how they got open! Maybe George needed some! He knew you had some so maybe he took one and left it open by accident." Meredith said lying.

"That's not true and you know it. He wouldn't take any of my pills and even if he were to take some he would've asked for my permission first. Why did you do this Meredith?" He stares at her, waiting for an answer. "Well, what's your answer? Can you tell me why you took them?"

"I-I-I'M SORRY!" Meredith cries. "I won't do it again! I promise! I just needed something to take the edge off! But I won't do it again I promise Derek! Please don't tell Dr Wyatt! I regret doing it! I shouldn't have taken them! I'm sorry!" She says crying and goes and gives Derek a hug and he hugs her back.

"Thank you for telling me. I appreciate you being honest but you better not do it again!"

"I won't! I really won't I promise! You can trust me!"

I hope you liked it! And I know irl they can't fix the recording (at least I don't think they can) but I wanted her to still be able to have that

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