Chapter 54

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A few days later Meredith had an appointment again with Dr Wyatt. She knew she had it that day but she really didn't want to go. She dreaded going that day. All she wanted to do was lay in bed. She laid in bed until Derek came to wake her up to get ready for her appointment.

"Mer, you need to get up. You have an appointment with Dr Wyatt in an hour."

"No! I'm not going today!" Meredith said with her eyes closed still.

"Mer, you have to go."

"No! I'm not going!" Meredith repeated. She pulled her covers over her head.

" need to get up!"

"No! I don't want to! And you can't make me!"

Derek pulled the covers off of her in an effort to get her up.

"Stop! I just want to sleep! Leave me alone! I don't want to see her today!"

"Get out of bed Meredith. This isn't an option."

Meredith opens her eyes and just throws one of his pillows at him. He catches it and drops it to the ground.

"I'll pick you up Mer don't think I won't!"

"You wouldn't." She said.

Derek proceeds to pick her up and she struggles against him and hits her tiny, ineffectual fists against him. He sets her on the ground.

"You're so mean! I just want to sleep!" Meredith yells.

"Get ready for your appointment." Derek says.

Meredith just runs to the bathroom holding her bear and slams the door shut. She locks it behind her and sits down against the door.

Derek tries to open the door but it won't budge. "Meredith! Open this door! Now!"


"Meredith if you don't come out of that bathroom in 3 seconds and start to get ready for your appointment I swear I will put you back in psych today. I mean it Mer."

"Fine." She mutters and opens the door. She looks at him and bursts into tears.

"Hey what's wrong? You're okay! You're just going to see Dr Wyatt. Nothing to be scared about."

"I just don't want to talk to her today." She sobs. She hugs her bear to her chest.

"I know but sometimes we have to do what we don't want to do. You need to beat you eating disorder so this is something you just have to do. You can do this Meredith."

"I guess." She mutters.

"Okay Mer, get ready and come downstairs for breakfast. We'll leave for the hospital when you're finished with breakfast." Derek leaves her alone to get changed. She reluctantly sets her bear down and gets changed. She goes downstairs with her bear a few minutes later. She is able to complete her breakfast completely. They then drive over to the hospital.

When they get to the hospital Derek is paged 911 to the pit. "Crap, I have to go Meredith. Can you go to Dr Wyatt's office on your own?"

Meredith nods.

Derek leaves her and Meredith decides that she's not going to her appointment that day. She heads to an on call room and gets in bed there. She falls asleep a few minutes later.

During Derek's surgery he gets a text and asks a scrub nurse to read it out loud.

Are you and Meredith running late today? Meredith's appointment was supposed to start 20 minutes ago but she's not here.
Dr Wyatt

"Really Meredith?!" Derek mutters to himself. "Can someone page Shadow Shepherd to take over? I need to go find my wife." Someone pages him and he shows up 5 minutes later. Derek rushes out of there and goes to search for Meredith.

He runs into Bailey and asks her if she's seen Meredith anywhere.

"Meredith? Isn't she with Dr Wyatt during this time?" Dr Bailey asks.

"You would think but I just got a text from Meredith and it looks like she skipped her appointment. She's in this hospital somewhere."

"I'll help you look for her." They search the supply closets and on call rooms and finally find her in an empty on call room 15 minutes later. She's now a total of 40 minutes late. At this point her appointment would be over very soon.

They see Meredith sleeping in the bed with Dr Bear in her arms. Bailey leaves and let's Derek talk to Meredith on his own. Derek gently shakes Meredith's shoulder to wake her up.

"What's going on?" Meredith asks half asleep."

"Meredith why did you skip you appointment?"

"I went! She let me leave early so I came here to take a nap!" Meredith lied.

"Then why did I get a text from her asking us if we were running late 20 minutes past your appointment time?"

"I don't know." Meredith said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Meredith why are you lying to me?"

"I'm sorry!" Meredith wails. "I didn't want to talk to her today! And then you got paged and I decided that I wasn't going to go." Meredith said crying. "Please don't be mad at me."

"That's unacceptable Meredith. You can't skip your appointments! That is rude to Dr Wyatt and slows down your recovery. Come on, we're going upstairs to see Dr Wyatt. She said she had an opening after your appointment time and to bring you up to her when I found you."

Meredith's eyes widened at that. "But it's not my appointment time anymore."

"She has an opening so this is now your appointment time for today. Let's go."

They head upstairs to see Dr Wyatt, Meredith slowly walking behind Derek. She hates that she was caught in a lie. She knows Dr Wyatt will bring that up in her session.

Derek knocks on the door when they get to her office. Dr Wyatt opens it a minute later. "Well hello there Meredith. I see Derek found you."
Meredith looks down at the ground not wanting to look her in the eyes.

"Come on in." She says to Meredith and Meredith reluctantly goes into the office.

Dr Wyatt talks to Meredith about why she skipped her appointment but Meredith doesn't say much. She's just not in the mood to talk today.

I hope you liked it!

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