Chapter 73

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Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hey Richard." Derek says when Dr Webber picks up the phone.

"Hey Derek. How's Meredith doing? I heard she has to keep her cast on longer." Richard asks.

Derek sighs. "Not too well. That what I wanted to talk to you about. I know I just started back at work but I'm not going to be able to do that for a while still. It seems like Meredith has relapsed and I need to make sure she's eating and staying off of her feet. She's been secretly exercising plus not eating and her leg still hasn't healed yet. And Callie and I found out at her appointment that Meredith has lost a lot of weight. So I just need to keep an eye on her to make sure she eats."

"Of course, take all the time you need Derek. That makes me so sad to think she's relapsed again." Richard said.

"I know. Thanks Richard. I'll talk to you later." They say goodbye and both hang up the phone.

Derek heads upstairs to check on Meredith. He is going to be doing work in there to make sure she doesn't exercise but he had to go make that call in private.

As Derek walks up the stairs he hears movement from the bedroom. "Meredith..." he thinks to himself. He opens the door and finds Meredith walking with her crutches.

"Meredith! You cannot exercise."

Meredith bursts into tears at being caught. "I need to exercise Derek! You don't understand! I'm so fat! I need to get this weight off! I can't have it on me!" Meredith wasn't alone for long but she had to take advantage of that while she had the chance so that she could exercise.

"You are not fat Meredith. I promise you." Derek says, trying to calm Meredith down.

"Yes I am!" Meredith wails. "I need my weight to go down! I just need to lose a few more pounds! I'll stop then!"

"Mer, we both know that's not true."

"Yes it is!"

Derek decides to change the subject. "Mer, What would you like to eat for lunch today?"


"You need to eat something."

"No, I don't."

"Yes you do Meredith." Derek can see that Meredith is not well. "Do you want to end up back in the hospital again?"

"That won't happen! This isn't like last time! I have it under control!" Meredith fully believes this even though it is not true at all. She weighed herself again this morning and saw her weight had dropped again.

Derek decides not to fight with her about this. Derek decides to not give her a choice about what she eats for lunch. She won't pick anything anyways so he just needs to choose something for her.

An hour passes by. Derek is doing his work in their room while Meredith sulks in bed. She starts moving her legs to get some form of exercise.

Derek notices after a few minutes. "Meredith please stay still."

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Mer, you're trying to exercise."

"No I'm not!" Meredith decides she's going to go to the bathroom so she can secretly exercise. Meredith starts getting out of bed only for Derek to ask what she is doing. "I'm going to the bathroom! Am I not allowed to do that anymore?"

"Okay that's fine."

She grabs her crutches and makes her way to the bathroom. She closes the door behind her and lays on the ground and starts doing crunches.

Derek realized ten minutes have passed. "Meredith you okay in there?"

"Y-yeah." She says out of breath.

Derek realizes she is exercising and gets up and opens the door to reveal her laying on the bathroom floor exercising. "Mer! Stop exercising! If you don't stop I'm going to call Dr Wyatt!"

"Fine!" Meredith gets up and gets back into bed.

A little while later Derek decides it's time for him to make lunch for himself and Meredith but doesn't want to leave her alone. He knows she'll exercise if she's left alone.

"Meredith, I'm going to go make lunch and I'm going to have you come downstairs with me."

"I want to stay here." Meredith knows once he leaves she will start exercising again.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone. I know you'll start exercising if I do." He decides to pick her up and bring her downstairs.

He sets her down at the kitchen table and makes lunch for them. He brings it over to the table once he has finished preparing it. He sets Meredith's lunch in front of her. He notices that she makes no moves to start to eat it.

"Mer, please start eating." He says after Meredith just stares at her food for five minutes.

"I can't." She whispers.

"You can Mer. I know you can."

"No." She says shaking her head. "I can't do it. I'll get fat."

"You won't. I promise. Please take a bite."

"I don't want to." She says bursting into tears. She is terrified of eating. She will only eat one small item a day and she's scared because she already ate that one item already.

"Please Meredith. Can you do it for me?"

Meredith takes a tiny bite. She had more tears coming down her face. She takes two more little bites and then pushes the plate away. "I'm done! I don't want anymore!"

"Meredith you need to eat more of that. That's not enough."

"I'm full!"


"No! I don't want to eat! And you can't make me! I just want to lose more weight!" And with that Meredith gets up and grabs her plate and puts all of the food into the trash can.

I hope you liked! Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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