Chapter 15

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I do not own Grey's Anatomy or any of its characters.


After Meredith fell asleep Cristina went downstairs to the pit. It was a slow day so there wasn't too much to do at the moment. The moment they saw Cristina walk into the pit Jackson, April , and Alex rushed over to her and asked how Meredith was doing. They were very worried about their friend.

Cristina frowned when they asked how Meredith was doing. "Not very well. She's still refusing to eat. She's lost even more weight. I was paved to her room to help Bailey put a NG tube in her. She was absolutely hysterical and wouldn't calm down. She was sobbing so loudly. She tried to stop Bailey from putting the tube in her. It was Bailey, a nurse, and I all trying to calm her down. She cried herself to sleep after Bailey got the tube in her. I felt so bad for her."

"Poor Meredith." April said tearfully. "I just want her to be her normal self again!"

"We all do Kepner. It's not just you." Alex said to her.

"Bailey is worried Mer is going to try to take the tube out herself. She told Meredith not to pull it out but Meredith isn't herself right now so she isn't listening to anyone. She wants to know how many calories are going into her body but of course none of us are going to tell her. She was sobbing and hysterical while Bailey was trying to put it in her. Like the whole floor could hear how upset she was. She kept yelling no and just sobbing." Cristina wiped away a tear before it had the chance to slide down her face.

"Oh man" Jackson said. "Do you think she'll try to remove it herself?"

"Honestly I do. I really hope she doesn't but she's so scared right now and not in a good state of mind. She's not thinking clearly.

At that moment Bailey walked into the pit and yelled at her interns to help patients and to not stand around talking.

Meanwhile back in Meredith's room the intern was sound asleep. Her face and pillow were both covered with tears.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I just wanted to show the other characters reacting to Meredith's situation.

Also I'm so excited Grey's has been renewed for season 18!!!

Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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