Chapter 51

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Meredith cuddled with Derek on the couch and slept on top of him with her face on his bare chest for a couple hours. She felt relaxed when she woke up.

"Hey Mer, have a good nap?" Derek asked, taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah." Meredith whispered, still half asleep. "Can I have a sip of your water please? I'm thirsty."

"Of course you can." He said, passing her the glass. Meredith took a big sip of his water when he passed it to her. "Ahhh so cold and yummy. I could live off of this."

"Meredith. That's not acceptable and you know that."

"Sorry." She said looking ashamed.

"It's okay but you know you have to eat. You have to eat and drink to be healthy." Derek looked at his watch. "And actually it's time for your night snack Mer. I'm going to go make something."

Meredith looked worried but nodded. "I'll try."

"That's all I ask. You do need to eat it all but even Dr Wyatt said to give you a little bit of slack on the first two days home. Eat as much as you can okay?" Meredith nodded.

Derek went to go get her a snack and called her into the kitchen a few minutes later. Meredith walked in yawning and holding Dr Bear by one of his paws. Meredith sat down at the table and took a small bite. "Can I have some more water please?" She asked after she finished all of her water. Derek said yes and went to refill her water. Meredith tentatively started to eat more of her snack even though she was scared. She managed to eat 85% which made Derek so proud of her.

"Derek is it okay if I go to bed now? I'm soooo tired. Me and Dr Bear need to sleep so we can have energy for tomorrow."

"Of course. Good night sweetie." He said, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Meredith went upstairs and got ready for bed. She brought Dr Bear into the bathroom as she got ready. After she was done getting ready for bed she got into bed and closed her eyes, falling asleep just a few minutes later.

Derek got into bed a few hours later and smiled at his sleeping girlfriend. He thinks she is adorable when she is sleeping. Of course he thinks she is adorable when she's awake but he just thinks it's so cute when she's all relaxed. He put his earplugs in so he wouldn't hear her snore and went to bed.

Around 1 in the morning Meredith woke up to use the bathroom. She woke up and went to grab Dr Bear only to not find him in bed with her. That made her start to hyperventilate and cry. She was looking on the bed but couldn't find him. She didn't think to look on the floor. She shook Derek's shoulder to wake him up.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" He sees her crying and breathing heavily. "Why are you crying? What happened?"

"Dr Bear is gone! I don't know where he is!" She wailed.

"Shhh, it's okay. We'll find him don't worry." He turned on the lamp next to him and got out of bed and walked over to her side of the bed. "Found him Mer! He was on the floor. Here you go!" He gives him to her and she grabs him and gives the bear a big hug. "Don't you ever scare me like that again Dr Bear or you'll be in big trouble mister!"

Derek knows he needs to talk to Dr Wyatt about Meredith's childlike tendencies. Something is up and she isn't acting normal. The fact that she is sobbing and breathing heavily over her bear in the middle of the night isn't normal. He makes a note in his head to call Dr Wyatt tomorrow and talk to her about this. But first sleep.

I hope you liked!

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