Chapter 87

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It's been 2 days and Meredith has become even more sullen. She refuses food and so Dr Bailey has had to reinforce her rule: Meredith cannot see Derek until she eats. Neither one of them likes this rule.

Meredith especially hates the restraints. They are only taken off when she 'eats' or more like just sits with the food and glares at whoever is in the room with her. She fights against the restraints so many times a day.

Dr Bailey decides to sit with Meredith for lunch today. She brings in Meredith's tray of food and sets it down in front of her.

"Good afternoon Meredith. How are we feeling today?"

All Bailey gets in response is a glare.

"Meredith I know you don't like my new rule. But it's easy to get rid of it. All you have to do is start eating." Bailey tells her.

"I don't want to eat. Get that through your head. I'd prefer to starve thank you."

"Meredith! Unacceptable! This has gone on long enough! You have to eat!"


"Meredith you need to eat. Things will be so much easier for you when you start eating again. Your mood will get better and you won't be so sullen all the time. You'll be able to sleep again. The nurses have been telling me you haven't been sleeping at all. That you've just been getting two hours of sleep each night. Please Meredith we need you to eat."


Dr Bailey decides she had to do something. She can't watch this any longer. She sits in the chair next to Meredith's bed and picks up an item on her plate. "Here take this. Please eat it." She brings it near Meredith's mouth. "Open up."

Meredith clasps her hand over her mouth and shakes her head and groans an obvious no. Dr Bailey tries to move her hands away from her mouth but Meredith refuses to move her hands and has tears running down her face. Eventually Bailey gets Meredith's hands off of her mouth but Meredith refuses to open her mouth.

Bailey sighs and puts the food down. "I'm sorry Grey. Please eat. You're getting some nutrients from your feeding tube but it's not enough for you. Please."

Meredith just looks away and shakes her head. "You're just lucky my hands are restrained otherwise I would pull this out again."

"If you think I won't tell that to Dr Wyatt you're wrong Meredith Grey. All of your little statements about wanting to starve are being reported to her and I know she'll be wanting to discuss these with you in your next session."

Meredith laughs. "Ha. But that would require me talking about it also which I am so not doing. Just discharge me already and give the bed to someone who actually needs it. I'm healthy I don't need this bed."

Now it's Bailey's  turn to laugh. "Meredith, you are the exact opposite of healthy. Have you seen your vitals lately? You are as far away from being healthy as you can be. You are here for your own safety. You won't be discharged for a long time."

Meredith just glares at her. "I'm not eating this food so you may as well just take it away."

Bailey shakes her head and takes the food away. She's leaving the room when she hears Meredith start to say something.

"Send Derek here."

Bailey just ignores her and leaves the room.

Meredith wants to throw something so badly but she's restrained so she just screams loudly "LET ME LEAVE!!!I HATE IT HERE!!!"

She screams some more stuff and the nurses were told when Bailey passed them to just ignore her. Eventually she cries herself to sleep.

Meanwhile Derek is sad that he isn't allowed to see Meredith. He goes and finds Bailey.

"Bailey! Just the person I was looking for."

"What do you want Shepherd? And no if you're asking to see Meredith. She is getting on my last nerve today. That girl refuses to do anything to help herself. She just screams and screams and I've had to tell the nurses to ignore her. I heard earlier she cried herself to sleep."

Derek sighs. "She's really not improving is she? That makes me so sad. And I'm glad she fell asleep but the fact that she had to exhaust herself crying devastates me."

"Derek I wish I could let you in but Meredith needs to learn that her actions have consequences." Bailey says.

"I know I just want to see her so badly. I miss her so much. She's been here a week already. Five minutes Bailey?"

"No Shepherd."

Derek sighs and nods.

Bailey gets a page and looks at it. "Oh it's to Meredith's room. Gotta go."

"Is she okay???"

"Derek I'll talk to you later." She says and hurries down the hallway.

She reaches Meredith's room and there's a nurse in there trying to help a crying and panicking Meredith.

"Hi, she's having a panic attack and it's making her vitals worse." Meredith's heart monitor is going off like crazy.

Meredith is starting to hyperventilate. And is also having trouble catching her breath.

"B-B-Baileyyyyyy I wanna goooo homeee. I'm gonna get fat here. I can't do this. I can't. I can't. I can't." She sobs.

"Meredith you need to breathe sweetie. Take a deep breath."

"I can't!" Meredith wails. "I feel lightheaded"

"That's because you're hyperventilating. Is there anything I can do to help you? Can I lay with you? Will that help you?"

"I WANT DEREK!!!!!" She wails at the top of her lungs.

"Shhh, it's okay. Shhhh." She starts to play with Meredith's hair. "I can't get you Derek. Remember our rule? Is there something else you want that will help you? Do you want something from home that Derek can get for you?"

"D-Dr B-Bear." She wails loudly.

"Okay, you got it Mer! Let me page him to go get it!" She quickly pages Derek to get the bear.

Derek sees the page and quickly goes home and grabs the bear for Meredith. He gets back to the hospital a little bit later and pages Dr Bailey.

Dr Bailey sees she has a page from Derek and leaves a now sleeping Meredith to go get the bear. She gets the bear and goes back to Meredith's room. She tucks the bear in under Meredith's arm.

Meredith quickly wakes up a little bit later and smiles when she sees the bear. She hugs the bear to her chest tightly and falls back asleep.

I hope you liked!
Also! New story published on my page! Go check it out! Drowned but Not Out. Co-written by natkat28

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