Chapter 27

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I do not own grey's or any of its characters


Bailey leaves Meredith's room and pages both Dr Wyatt and Derek to a conference room. She heads toward the room and sits down in a chair when she gets there. She puts her head in her hands and just wishes there was a magic pill that would make Meredith instantly better. She hates seeing Meredith going through so much pain.

Derek runs into the run a few minutes later.

"Is she okay? What's going on?" He asks with a worried look on his face.

"Derek can you calm down? We're going to talk when Dr Wyatt gets here."

"I'm just so worried about her." He says and collapses into a chair.

"I know Derek. We all are." Both doctors look up when Dr Wyatt enters the room.

"Hello all. I'm assuming this is about Meredith Grey?" She asks.

Bailey nods her head. "Yes, I wanted to talk to both of you about something. I was having a meal with her a little while ago and it took a while but she did eat it. But when I came back to check on her I found her exercising in her room. There have been way too many instances when that girl has been caught exercising. Nurses have caught her many, many times. No matter what anyone tells her she won't listen."

Dr Wyatt sighs and shuffles the charts around. "I've been seeing this written in her chart almost daily. She's still not gaining any weight either and is still at a dangerously low weight so this exercising needs to stop immediately. We have the feeding tube in her but even with that it's not enough yet."

"We're trying to enforce the bed rest but she doesn't listen and does it anyways. I'm not sure what else we can do other than using restraints on her. It's gotten to the point where I feel like we have to do this for her own safety." Dr Bailey tells both of them.

"What! Isn't that a bit extreme??!! Let's try talking to her again." Derek says.

"Derek, you know we wouldn't do it if we didn't have to. And as much as I hate to say it even though I just got her to stop exercising and she said she wouldn't do it again I guarantee you she is secretly exercising in her room again." Dr Bailey says.

"I agree. I think this is something we need to do. Also, because her weight is still decreasing due to her not eating all of her meals, I'm going to suggest we add an additional feeding bag to her daily intake. I know she's slowly starting to eat but she's not even halfway compliant with meals yet. She's still not completing most of them. I need her weight to start going up. I was already extremely worried about her weight when she was admitted to psych but it's now lower and I can't have that." Dr Wyatt says.

Dr Bailey writes that down and says "I will have a nurse add another bag today. Let's get that started today. And are we all on board with restraining her?"

"I'm 100% on board."

"Thank you Dr Wyatt. Derek?" There's no response from Derek. "Derek you know I hate to do this to her. She's one of my babies. I love that girl so much. We need to do this for her safety. She could pass out and/or have a heart attack if we don't do this. You're a doctor Derek. You know the consequences of malnutrition." Bailey says looking at Derek.

Derek sighs. "Okay. Do it"

Dr Wyatt claps her hands together and says "I will go get the restraints and I will put them on her. Dr Bailey you're welcome to come so she has a familiar face while this is happening and calm her down while restrained. Derek I would ask you to but I'm not sure how she'll respond to you at the moment."

"That's okay. I don't really want to see her being put into restraints. I already want to cry at the thought and seeing it happen... I can't do that. Tell her I love her please Bailey."

Bailey says "I can do that for you Shepherd. This is going to help her."

Dr Wyatt gets the restraints and her and Dr Bailey walk towards Meredith's room. They enter the room to see Meredith in bed crying. There's a nurse in the room adjusting Meredith's IV.

"Hello doctors. I thought you would like to know that I just caught her exercising again." The nurse says.

"Thank you for letting us know" Dr Bailey says. "Okay Meredith remember what we discussed a little while ago? Well I talked to Dr Wyatt and Derek and everyone agreed that we needed to have you restrained because of your exercising."

"Please no I'll stop."

"Meredith. You just got caught for the second time today. You told me both times you would stay in bed and not exercise and both times you exercised. This is something we need to do for your safety." Bailey said looking at Meredith.

"I'm sorry" she wails

Dr Wyatt takes the restraints out of the package and attaches them first to Meredith's bed. She sees Meredith eyeing them warily. "Ok Meredith I'm going to take your right hand and put it in here now". Dr Wyatt says. She tries to get Meredith's hand but Meredith hides it under her covers.

"Meredith please give your hand to Dr Wyatt." Bailey says eyeing her intern.


Bailey manages to grab Meredith's hand by pulling the covers off of her slightly. Dr Wyatt is able to get the restraint on both hands easier this way since she has no where to hide now.

"I'm so sorry about this Meredith but it's for your own safety." Bailey says.

Meredith is sobbing and trying to get her wrists out of the restraints but is having no success.

Bailey puts the covers back over Meredith since she can't do it herself. She wipes the tears off Meredith's face. "It's gonna be okay Meredith. You just have to wait and see."

I hope you liked it! Comment any suggestions below!

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