Chapter 77

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Meredith has her first physical therapy appointment in an hour but is still asleep. She barely slept the night before, only falling asleep at 3 am. Derek could feel her tossing and turning the whole night. He felt so bad for her but knew the reason why she wasn't sleeping and that simply was because of her not eating. Derek has noticed lately the bags under Meredith's eyes. She has just been exhausted. She tries to sleep during the day, taking naps whenever she can. Sleep doesn't come easy for her these days.

Derek knows he needs to get her up now if they want to make her appointment on time. He hates having to wake her. He gently nudges Meredith. "Hey Mer. Time to get up sweetie." He whispers to her while caressing her hair.

Meredith moans and keeps her eyes closed. "I need more sleep." She mumbles.

"Mer, we have your PT appointment in an hour."

"We can skip it." Meredith mumbles softly. "Let me sleep."

"If we didn't have your appointment you know I would let you sleep. It's too late to move it. I'm sorry Meredith." He kisses her forehead. "Come on. Let's get up."

"I'm too tired. I can't get up." She says softly with her eyes still closed.

"How about I grab your clothes for you. What do you want to wear?"

"A hoodie and leggings please." She says softly.

"Okay. Coming right up." He gets out of bed and goes to their closet and grabs the items she requested. "Okay, let's get dressed."

"Ugh fine." She slowly opens her eyes and forces herself to get up and get ready.

"Meredith what would you like for breakfast?" Derek asks, hoping she'll agree to eat. "You need your strength for PT.

"I'm not hungry. I'll be fine." She says.

"Mer... you need to eat something. I don't want you to pass out again."

"I won't."

"Meredith we both know you need to eat! Just eat something! Anything! I don't care what! You are way too skinny and you need to eat!"

"No I'm not! I'm too fat! I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not skinny AT ALL!" Meredith protested.

"That is so not true." Derek decided not to argue with her as they needed to leave already. "Come on, we need to go."

They arrive at the hospital for her PT appointment a little bit later. Her physical therapist, Matt, meets them when they arrive.

"Hi, you must be Meredith! Are you ready to begin?" Matt asks.

"Yeah." Meredith says. She's still exhausted and wants to go back to bed.

"Okay then! Derek, she'll be done in an hour!" Matt tells Derek.

Matt leads Meredith down a long hallway to the physical therapy room. She sees it's full of exercise balls, treadmills, and other exercise equipment.

"Okay Meredith. We need to get you walking again and strengthen that bad leg so we are going to start you off on the treadmill."

Meredith looks excited at the thought of exercising on the treadmill. She decides not to mention the fact that Derek and Callie both told her she's not allowed to exercise.

Matt notices her excited and smiles. "You like to exercise? I can tell!"

Meredith takes his words to mean of course she likes to exercise, she needs it. Which of course is completely wrong. He saw her smile and that's why he said that. But of course Meredith's eating disorder voice twisted his words.

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