Chapter 40

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Cristina walks into the intern locker room and changes into her scrubs.

Alex notices a little smile on her face. "Woah are you okay Cristina? What's with the smile."

"I managed to get Meredith to eat all of her dinner and snack last night! She did 100%! I'm so proud of her." Cristina said proudly. "I got her to eat!"

"OMG I'm so proud of Meredith! It's been forever since she's eaten a full meal right?" Izzie asks.

"Yeah it's been hard. She completely refused for so long and she's been slowly eating more although she completely stopped while I was gone. I think she's getting too dependent on me." Cristina said right as Dr. Bailey walked in.

"Assignments people! Stevens! You're with Shepherd! O'Malley and Karev, the pit! Yang, I need to talk to you so I'll tell you your assignment later!"

"Dr. Bailey, is Meredith-" O'Malley started before he got interrupted.

"O'Malley did I say you could ask any questions about Grey? No! All of you go to your assignments now. Cristina let's go to a conference room." As she said that last part the interns all looked at each other , wondering why she was taking Cristina to a conference room.

Dr. Bailey and Cristina walked down the hallway. Everytime Cristina started to say something Dr. Bailey would tell her to hush and to wait.

They get to the conference room and sit down. "Yang, I wanted to talk to you today. I know you got Meredith to eat all of her dinner and snack last night which is great but she needs to do it on her own. She's not going to get better if she's depending on you to be there helping her with all of her meals. This week made us realize how much she depends on you. She completely freaked out and refused to eat while you were away." Bailey said.

"She called me on the phone the other day and was sobbing. She was saying she didn't want to eat and couldn't eat. And that she needed me." Cristina said. "So yeah I agree with you."

"Okay good I'm glad you also agree. She just was not well at all. It's like she totally regressed back to square one. She was throwing food again, being extremely stubborn, and she even took out her NG tube and tried to hide it so the nurses wouldn't see. She even made a hole in the NG tube bag and squeezed it all out. She wouldn't listen to the nurses at all and tried to trick them. It's been a very hard week for her." Bailey told Cristina.

"Oh wow. I knew it was bad but hearing all that... poor girl. How can we make her not be so dependent on me?"

"That's what I was about to say next. So I think that we should have you stop eating with her. I'm not even going to have Derek eat with her. I'm going to have whatever nurse is there that day eat with her. She still needs to be monitored so she needs someone so it'll just be whoever is there that day. So I'm going to have you have breakfast with her today so it's not all of a sudden and then that's it." Bailey told her. "How's that sound?"

"Sounds great Bailey!"

"And to make it easier for her I'm going to take out her NG tube. Especially since she ate 100% last night. But I'm going to warn her if she stops eating when you're not there then it'll go back in."

"Yeah, that's good. She'll like that part at least."

"Okay let's go on up to her now then and tell her what's going on."

Dr Bailey leads Cristina up to Psych and they enter Meredith's room.

"Cristina!" Meredith said loudly.

"Hey Meredith! Dr Bailey and I need to talk to you."

"Umm okay." Meredith said nervously.

"Meredith. We all know you had a really rough week last week with Cristina being gone. Just because she's not there doesn't mean that you get to stop eating and be all stubborn like you were." Bailey started.

"I need Cristina with me to eat. I can't do it without her." Meredith said tearfully.

Cristina any Dr Bailey looked at each other when she said that. "That's exactly our point meredith. You are way too dependent on Cristina. She leaves and you regress back to square one. That cannot happen. We need you to be self sufficient. So after breakfast today Cristina or anyone else besides a nurse will no longer be eating meals with you."

"What?? But I need her to eat." Meredith wailed.

"Meredith but you don't. You can do it on your own. You're not going to be able to eat meals with Cristina for the rest of your life."

Meredith didn't respond, just looked away from them.

"But to make this transition easier on you I will be taking out your NG tube now. BUT if you even think about not eating I will put it right back in. Don't think I'm joking Grey. It's for your own health."

Bailey washes her hands and gets ready to take the tube out. "Okay ready Mer?" Meredith nods. Bailey takes the tube out and disposes of it. "There we go Grey! It's out now! You better not disappoint me! I'm trusting you to eat. I would've kept it in there for a little while longer until you constantly eaten your full meals but I know these next few days will be tough for you."

A nurse brings in breakfast and dr Bailey leaves. Cristina distracts Meredith with conversation and Meredith is able to eat all of her breakfast. "Well done Grey! I knew you could do it! Remember even if I'm not eating with you that you need to continue eating 100%."

"B-but I don't think I can eat that much without you. I don't think I can do it." Meredith says crying.

"Meredith you can do it! You've done it for the past few meals. Just remember you need to eat otherwise Dr Bailey will put your NG tube back in and you don't want that back do you?" Cristina says to Meredith.

"No. I don't want that back. I guess I can try." Meredith says

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