1. Background

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Y/n was young, but had already lived many lifetimes. Being the only child of one of the most feared men on this planet had made its toll on you. When you were twelve years old you made the choice to leave, run away and never look back. With the gifts from birth and the training your father forced on you y/n was able to establish herself as a bounty hunter. It started innocently, easy jobs with little to no violence, but as y/n grew older her skin got thicker and the need to rebel and prove herself to be stronger than her father, made her go off the rails.

Y/n threw away her moral compass for a taste of success. She started using her abilities to alter the magnetic field in ways not even her own father would've have approved of. It was in her years as a bounty hunter she met the ones only known as a myth, the Winter Soldier. They formed a strong connection, finding comfort with each other. For years the Winter Soldier was the only light in y/n life, that was until y/n met the man who would give her a second chance at life, Tony Stark.

It was not uncommon for Y/n to fight superheroes, but this time was different, because instead of putting up a fight Tony Stark offered y/n a job with the Avengers. It was your chance at leaving the bounty hunter life behind, for a safe and stable environment, but not without a cost. The risk of having your father's name attached to you and being a part of the public was too dangerous. Y/n name and your whole history got deleted from all databases and archives and been given a new alias. Leaving her old life was easy, it was the last vow that actually physically and mentality drained you. Y/n had to give up her powers. She made an agreement that she would never use them again, unless she found herself in a death threatening situation. Y/n became Tony Stark's favourite agent at the compound, and as we all know, Tony doesn't have many favourites. Y/n worked alongside all the top agents and what was left of the Avengers after the civil war. 

It was spring 2018 when everything changed, Thanos came to earth and for the first time since the Avengers got split everyone came together for the Battle of Titan. It was your first-time meeting Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff properly without being on the wrong side of a bounty mission. Tony sent you and Rhodey to Wakanda with Steve, Sam, Wanda, Bruce and Natasha to keep an eye on Vision. Little did y/n know that you would catch a glimpse of the Winter Soldier again, before he got snapped out of their existences together with half of the universe.

Tony gave up on the hero life to spend time with Pepper, and you couldn't really judge him. You still kept in contact and you knew that his family was as much yours as his. Y/n stayed at the Avengers compound working alongside Nat, Steve and Rhodey on a daily basis, that was until Tony found the solution for time heist and you fought Thanos again.

The date was 23rd October 2023. The people lost in the snap came back in the blip. It should've been a happy day, a day to celebrate but for you this day became your biggest tragedy.

You had lost the man that had given you a second chance at life. You had lost your best friend, and the closest thing you had to a family. Everyone got back and started to live their own separate lives. You sat home alone with a dark whole of the memory of Tony. You put on a smile when you were out in public or with Pepper, Morgan and Rhodey, but the second you found yourself lonely you would find a bottle.

The only one you felt truly comfortable talking with was Sam. You hadn't known him for a long time but working beside Steve for five years made you feel like you already knew him to a certain extent. Every now and then Sam would ask for help on missions and that's where our story starts...

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