62. secrets

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John froze when he heard you. His eyes looking at the dead body underneath him before he slowly turned towards you. Over your shoulder he could see Lemar, clearly broken down and out of energy, but still very much alive. Walker thought killing this random flag smashers could make up for Lemar's death, which alone was stupid, but now with Lemar alive Walker had to face his own ignorance. He had failed one more time, and it was all because of you. You were the one to blame, hadn't Karli jumped on him because she wanted you he wouldn't be in this situation. The whole wide world wouldn't have seen him killing someone in open daylight. This was all your fault, he told himself. You took notice of his anger.

"Walker take a breath, I will not hurt you, but I need to take you in" you explained, softening your voice, making sure he understood that you weren't gonna use your powers.

"It is your fault," he said coldly. You looked over at the boys on the other side, they had already called for law enforcement, so you only needed to calm John enough down to follow you. You looked back at Walker.

"We can talk about this, but right now we need to leave the crowds" you said and pointed with a careful movement at the crowds. He looked around, still dead in his tracks.

"No, this is your fault," he said, his tone getting aggressive. You took a deep breath.

"John, I need you to follow me" you said nodding your head.

"No, no, no this is your fault" he yelled at you, now he started to repeat it. He was clearly scaring the crowds. You carefully stepped closer to him, but he immediately took notice of you. "STOP, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT" he said and threw the shield at you and ran towards you.

You reached out your hand, altered it and held it up in the air, but by that time Walker got close enough to kick you down. The crowds started to move, so they didn't get hit. Bucky immediately came running over and went hand to hand against Walker, making sure he couldn't come at you again. Bucky held his own well, but Walker was determined. This was your fault and you were gonna pay for it.

This was either gonna be the stupidest thing you've ever done or the smartest, but it was for sure a choice you took after having all the knowledge in the world, to simply follow your heart and that's what Tony wanted you to do. You stood up and brushed off the dust. You were done hiding and you were done playing nice with Walker.

"Okay, it was my fault. I'm sorry Walker, what are you gonna do about it?" You yelled over to him. He turned away from Bucky, looking at you in full anger. You smiled weakly. The past would always haunt you, no matter if Karli would leak it or not. You took your hand out and altered the shield again, this time breaking Walker's arm to get it off him. It flew through the air, landing perfecting in your arm.

"I told you, I wouldn't be kind the next time you crossed me," you said with a smile on your lips as you walked towards him. He was clearly in pain from getting his arm broken.

"You didn't say it the last time, but beside the blood on the shield, can you now admit that I look pretty good with it? I mean especially to not be American?" you said teasingly and posing with it. That's when John's adrenaline kicked in and he came running, but before he could ever touch you, you lifted him up in the air.

"Listen to me now Walker. It's my fault that I let you come this far, but it is your fault that you got blind" you yelled up at him.

You held him up in the air as you ran towards Bucky. "Are you okay?" you asked as you helped him up. He gave you a short nod and looked up at Walker who was yelling. "What are you gonna do now?" he asked. The two of you had always been the secret weapon. Sam couldn't take part in a fight like this, his name would be shattered, but you and Bucky... the two of you were made for this. What happened when the secret weapon no longer was a secret was unknown, but it was a risk you were willing to take. You smiled weakly to Bucky.

"Be a leader" you said and handed him the shield.

"Give Sam the shield. Get Lemar medical help. send Zemo to my aunt Irka's place, she will let him stay there. Tell her to contact Charles, he will know what to do. They will treat me like a mutant. Go now." you told him.

You didn't even dare to look at Zemo. You knew that right now, you were doing everything he feared you would do. And no, not because of your powers, but because you were turning your back on him. You were leaving him. After everything the two of you had been through, this was the moment you had given up. Given up on him, on a us. Maybe not now, but in the future he will understand why you were doing what you were doing, but for now, it was just another heartbreak.

"Y/n you can't do that... what if you end up in pri.."

"Bucky, my past would catch up with me at some point. I gotta do this," You stopped Bucky before he could finish that sentence. You knew the risk, and you took that risk the second you stepped out of the crowds. Bucky looked at you with fear in his eyes, he wasn't ready to let go. Not yet. A tear fell down your cheek as you smiled weakly at him.

"I know Sam is mad at me, and I can maybe not fix my wrongs... but can you promise me that the two of you come and visit me?" you asked, trying to hold back your tears. He gave you a little nod, he couldn't speak.

"Go now," you said softly, not even able to look at him as he went to the boys. You knew the second he would reach the boys, they would protest against your decision to turn yourself in, so you had to be quick.

You slammed John down to the ground, hard enough to just knock him out. You took your hands up in the air, and the sirens came on as all kinds of law enforcement came running over to you. They were heavily guarded. They pushed you down to the ground and handcuffed you. What's ironic here is that you could easily just alter it and run free, but you choose this. They sat you up on your knees. It was now 20 something machine guns pointing towards you. You could hear the screams of Sam and Zemo in the far distant. A man who seemed to be the one leading the group stepped in front of you and kneeled down to your level. He took one finger under your chin, lifting your head up so you had to face him.

"Since we don't know what you are, we have to assume you're a mutant." he explained with a smile on his lips. His one finger was now brushing your cheek, admiring your face. You were too tired to fight him. The only reason you were able to stand up against Walker was because of the andrealin that had kicked in, now your body was as good as dead again. The man took up a needle with his other hand.

"And if that assumption is right, we don't know what you are capable of yet" he said. His hand that had been on your cheek now pushed your head to the side, so he had access to your neck.

"Therefore we will have to stun you until we have control of the situation" he said and didn't even give you room to speak before the needle went in your neck. Your eyes got heavy as they lifted you up. They were walking you to the heavy protected car. You tried to fight against the anesthetic, but you were too weak. They threw you in the car and right before they closed the doors you caught a glimpse at the boys who were waving desperately at you. Before the door could even close, your body shut down and fell to the floor.

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