48. Back on track

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Bucky had told you that they were back in Zemo's apartment, so naturally that was where you were heading. The last week had been more turbulent emotionally than you ever thought you would be at your age, but you survived it. In some ways it gave you comfort that however things pan out with the mission, life or Zemo you could find a way to survive that too. You were not your fathers little girl, neither was he your biggest enemy anymore, you were allowed to like and appreciate parts of your shared history. Tony wasn't right to make you stop using your powers, but that didn't mean you hated him, you still loved him just as much. You could disagree with people and still hold them near and dear. You had a blouse on with red trousers on and the holster under a black suit jacket. Zemo was right, you looked damn good in red. You looked up at the apartment, tightening the grip of the bag you had with you. One last deep breath, before you went up. 


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"Hello? Where is my bird? Where is the metal man?" You yelled as you opened the door to the apartment. The two of them turned around and immediately ran over to you. Sam went straight in for a hug and Bucky took the bag away from you. "How could you be so stupid and take that bullet y/n!" Sam said holding you tight to him. You laughed a little before you hugged Bucky "Believe it or not, but I think I needed that bullet." Bucky smiled weakly, he understood what you were talking about, but Sam had never looked more confused at you before. You looked over their shoulders, looking for Zemo. "He is in the shower" Bucky said and looked back in the room. "Of course he is" you nodded with a light chuckle. You looked up at Sam and took his hand as you walked over to the couch. "I need to tell you something, but promise me to not freak out" you said looking him dead serious in the eyes. He gave you a small nodd.

"I am a mu..."

More couldn't be said before the room got damped as Zemo stepped out of the bathroom. The man knew how to make an entrance. He was wearing this blue robe and you didn't even dare to check if he had anything else under there. Zemo wasn't exactly an insecure man. His hair was wet, his skin was glistening and you could almost see half of his chest.

"Y/n" he said, a little taken back by your appearance. His tone was difficult to understand, it was like he said your name both as a question and a statement at the same time. You leaned your head on your hand that was on the couch.

"Yes, that's me...Zemo" you nodded with a laugh. Bucky already could feel the tension between the two of you. It wasn't necessarily a good one, rather complicated. He opened the bottle of whiskey and filled up his glass. A super Soldier could maybe not get drunk, but he still felt like it was needed in this situation. You couldn't do anything else other than laugh at him. You looked back at Sam and then Zemo. "It's nice to see you too Zemo, but I have to talk with Sam... kinda serious topic" you said and lifted your eyebrows. Zemo knew well what it was and he already felt uncomfortable. He went to the kitchen with Bucky and started to make some tea. You gave Sam your full attention, but secretly had an eye on the boys in your side.

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