98. Sure?

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Watching Zemo leave you was hard enough on its own, but seeing him in the arms of two uniformed men and handcuffs wasn't easier. The prison he was about to enter was much stricter than the one he had been in before in Germany. In many ways, the three of you were responsible for worsening the situation for Zemo. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. This was not the end. You were gonna do whatever you had to do to get him out.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Sam said, laying his hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your bubble. Bucky came up on the other side. You opened your eyes and turned your head to his side.

"We need to talk. Both of you, meet at mine when you're done here," You said and brushed his hand off your shoulder. Both of them looked at you confused as you turned around so you were facing all the media people.

"Y/n, people have questions, this is your only chance to answer them before your trial, you should..." More couldn't, Sam, say before you cut him up. You altered yourself up, so you were up in the air one meter above them. You smiled weakly and gave them a wave.

"See you later," you said with a smile before you quickly turned around and flew through the city.

There was no more need for hiding a jury or not, nothing could change the fact that you were a mutant. Yes, they could choose to restrict you from using your powers, but nobody would even want that, if your plan worked. Right now you had to show how useful you were. You hated how much you sounded like an X-men, but it was the truth. If you could prove the good you could do, nobody could touch you.

You came to your building and found your window. Guess you could embrace the strangeness of your powers, no more stairs cause you could simply just fly to your window. You altered the lock on the window and lifted it up. You flew inside, turned on the light, closed the window, and landed on your feet. You walked over to the wardrobe and found some new clothes. You took on a black oversized turtleneck sweater, with a pair of black trousers. You took your hair up in a messy bun, a leather jacket, and a pair of black leather gloves.

You walked over to the mirror and took a good look at yourself

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You walked over to the mirror and took a good look at yourself. You knew that Zemo liked when you used color, but tonight's events would need a whole different y/n, that he might like. You altered the rolling table the whiskey was on and poured you a glass. Tonight you had to use your old skills. The bounty hunter had to make a deal with the devil. You tilted your head. It was going to be worth it. You heard their steps in the hallway, and the second Bucky was about to knock on the door. You altered the handle and opened it for them.

"So now we have started using our powers all the time?" Sam asked as they walked into the apartment. You looked at them in the mirror with a smile and poured them two glasses of whiskey. You knew they were going to need it.

"I'm sorry my apartment is empty, I was too... depressed to bother. Have a glass if you would like," you said and moved the table with your fingers. Sam looked a bit suspicious, but Bucky immediately took the glass.

Bucky knew you were up to something. You and Zemo had become way too close for you to give up on him. You had changed and grown since you and Bucky were together, but he knew how stubborn you were. You always found a way to get what you want, especially for the ones you loved. He didn't judge you for it, he actually liked it, if it wasn't for the case that Zemo was the one you loved. He let the taste of the whiskey linger on his tongue before he chose to jump straight into it. "Why did you want us here, what do you want?" Bucky asked. Sam looked at Bucky confused and punched him in the arm lightly

"Stop being rude, she is our friend," Sam said, naively thinking this was a normal catch-up. Oh, you hated that Bucky knew you so well. You straighten up and turn around to face them. You smiled weakly.

"When you guys have said I could be a lead, did you mean it?" You asked, both of them were still in their combat suits. You put down your glass. You had to admit Sam looked good with the stars and stripes, and that was a look you thought nobody could pull off. They seemed confused about your question if you wanted them to joke or not, but you looked at them dead serious, so they chose to be honest and not laugh it off.

"Of Course... You could always have done it, you just needed to believe in yourself first," Sam said walking closer to you, but Bucky kept his distance.

"Y/n what are you up to?" he asked again, his tone cold. Sam was about to punch Bucky down when you grabbed his arm quickly. You held it still and stood between the two men. You looked at Sam, this was gonna hurt, but it had to be done.

"Bucky is right. I am planning something" You said. Sam's eyes looked at you in full confusion. You let go of his hand as you saw his disappointed expression on his face. You swallowed low and looked up at the two of them.

"I'm getting Zemo out of prison," you said dead serious.

Wow, there you said it. It was like thousands of tons had been lifted over your shoulder. The boys immediately started to argue against you going fully wild of why it was such a bad idea to take Zemo out, but you fully ignored it. Whatever they said wasn't relevant, nothing could change your mind. Maybe they were right, but at this point, it didn't matter. You turned around and picked up the glass as you looked into the mirror.

"How are you even gonna do it? Are you gonna break him out? Live on the run? Are you crazy!?" Sam went on, his arms waving in frustration. You smiled weakly. This was where the boys were wrong, maybe not on you being crazy part, but everything before that. You turned around looking at them and took a sip as you crossed your arms.

"Nope, I'm done living in the shadows. I'm gonna do it legally, not breaking a single law. Promise," You said.

The boys were muscles, and to a certain degree you were the same, but you grew up around geniuses and you had learned a fair bit from them. Of course, you could punch your way to Zemo, but doing that you would always need to live fighting. If you simply used your brain, it was easy to see that you had all the pieces you needed. Really, it had been in front of you the whole time, but you had been too blind to see it.

"Here is the plan."

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