61. of the ending

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Karli stopped the shield from ending you and another flag smasher came up behind Walker and held him still.

That's when the boys finally see you beaten up down on the floor. Zemo comes running over, sliding through the room to reach you. He immediately grabs your head, brushing his fingers on against your cheeks "Little bird, you're there?" he whispered desperately, the only sign you gave that you were alive was your heavy breathing, trying to catch up with the rest of the world. You gave him a little nod and tried to straighten up, but every bone in your body was shaking and hurt. 

You heard Karli yell as she ran towards Walker with a knife, but what nobody else caught was Lemar running up against her. You knew he had no chance against her. You pushed Zemo to the side and took your hand out. Altering the magnetic field while Lamar was still in the air across the room, but it was too late, he still hit the wall. Everyone stopped what they were doing and got quiet. You slammed your head exhausted into the wall. You were empty for energy.

"He is still alive" you whispered, so low that nobody could hear you.

You could feel Lemar in the field, he had passed out, but he was still alive.

John immediately walked over to Lemar and tried to check on him, but the man was still in full of rage. Walker was already gone over to the other side. He wasn't being rational anymore and therefore failed to notice Lemar's pulse was still going. You tried to reach for Zemo's hand, but your body was working against you. Everyone ran out, the boys after the flag smashers and Walker after Karli. You laid down on the floor when Zemo snapped out of it. You pointed at Lemar. "We need to help him" you mumbled. Zemo finally caught what you were saying. He lifted you up, walked over to Lemar and sat down.

"Get the vest off him" you whispered and Zemo did as told.

You laid your hands on Lemar's chest and closed your eyes, this time you could feel his energy much closer to yours. You altered his body, simply pushing your fingers on his chest to speed up his energy, giving him enough air to wake up. Zemo couldn't help but admire you, even in this stressful situation you found a way to focus. In his eyes, you were an angel. One minute later Lemar got enough air in his lungs as he woke up in shock, looking at the two of you.

"What did you just do? what did you do to me" Lemar asked, his breathing still heavy. He clearly thought you were doing some demon shit on him, while all you did was simply physics.

"We need you to get up and out, John went crazy and thought you were dead. I need you to stop him before he does anything stupid" you said to him strictly and took one hand on Zemo's shoulder before you pushed yourself up standing. Your body was still hurting, but you knew you had to get out there. Lemar took your order, but struggled more than you. The man had clearly broken something with the hit. You gave Zemo a nod and he helped get Lemar up. You straighten up as the adrenaline in your body starts to kick in. You walked towards the widow. "I'm sorry guys, but this gonna feel strange" you said and collected all the energy you had left to break the glass and lift all of you down to the street. The three of you ran down the street, Lemar hanging into Zemo as you entered the crowds. The boys stood on the other side.

It was already too late.

Walker hit the shield through the flag smashers body, immediately killing him. Not only that, but after the first time, he kept repeating it like it was a form of revenge or a way for him to get out his anger. Everyone had their phones up. The shield was now bloody. You knew what you were about to do was a big risk and with no chance of return. You stepped out of the crowd and walked towards Walker, with only five meters distance from him.

"Walker you need to stop, Lemar is alive" you yelled over the cutting sound of the shield going through the man's body.

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