72. It's all in your head

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He could feel you resisting and trying to get out, but he knew it was too big of a risk to let you out. Right now you were vulnerable and out of control. He couldn't let you out, even if he wanted to. At this point, he was afraid of what you could do to yourself and the others around you. He slowly walked towards you, but kept a little distance between the two of you. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable as he could see you were confused enough by this space.

'y/n, we can help you' he said, not moving his eyes away from you, even when you were looking at everything else beside him. You started to smile.

'That's the point, I am dragging the people close to me down into my shit. John Walker was maybe wrong when he blamed me for killing that guy in Latvia, but who am I kidding, everything else I've done in my life has been my fault. I could've just as easily taken the blame for that guy to ease Walker's' mind' you said and walked closer to Charles.

'Sam.. I.. I hurt Sam. He was the only man in my life I thought I would always have. I love Bucky, you, Rhodey and Pepper don't misunderstand, but Sam was... my best friend or whatever you call it. I could talk with him about everything Charles, and I felt valued, I felt like he saw and heard everything. Sam never judged me for it..' you said as tears started to fall down your cheek.

'He was the only one who was there for me after Tony...' you couldn't even finish the sentence without falling apart.

'The only time Sam asked for my help, I was selfish and didn't listen to him, because I thought I knew better. Don't even act like I haven't done the exact same to you.' you said, pointing your finger at him.

'Y'n if this is about Sam, I'm sure he underst...'

'Charles stop, you're not listening to me!" you yelled as you covered your ears with your hands.

The room started to shake as your voice shattered the room slowly to pieces. Charles had never seen anything like this ever before. Both of you fell down on your knees as the waves didn't stop. He threw himself closer and closer to you, trying to get you to stop. If you could break through here, it was no question what you could do out of this space.

'Y/n you have to stop!' he yelled over to you. When he finally came close enough to you he tried to take down your arms, to get you to listen, but you were not moving. 'Y/N LISTEN TO ME, THIS IS NOT YOU, WAKE UP' he screamed as he finally got your hands down.

You closed your eyes. The room didn't stop to shake, piece by piece you were destroying it. The color went from black to red. Charles might think he could control you, entertain you with his funny tricks. Keep you here like a prisoner of your own mind, but he must have forgotten who you were on the inside. It was no sweet place. It was messy and full of rage. You had held it in for so many years to please everyone around you, but now with the serum... you could let it out.

'Let me go Charles' you said, opening your eyes with a smile growing on your lips. You stood up and looked down at Charles who still were down on his knees, not able to stand up.

'You know I can't do that y/n' he yelled. He tried to take back control of the room, but he had no chance against the unknown powers coming from you. You leaned down to him and laid a hand on his chin, lifting his head up. You laid your forehead against his. A smile appeared on your face, but this was a smile Charles had never seen on you, it was dark. It didn't feel like you.

'I feared you would say that' you whispered against his lips. You stood up, and with one simple movement, pushing your hands out, you broke through the whole room.

It was like an explosion, throwing Charles to the other side of the room, breaking every glass in the room and setting off the alarm. You opened your eyes, watching the red lights with the siren going in the background. It was like hell was singing to you. You didn't even look while dragging out all the different medical equipment connected to you. You groaned in pain for a second before you sat up on the mattress. You looked down at the floor where your bag with your suit was. Guess you should thank Matt for bringing your clothes from the prison. Charles laid down on the floor passed out, and you quickly took on the suit.

"Y/n you need to lay down right now!" Storm said, as she entered the room. Behind her Hank and Logan stood. Jean ran straight to Charles' rescue. . You smiled and fixed the last zipper on the suit with your powers. You tilted your head to the side.

"I will not do that" You said and walked towards them. Storm grabbed your arm when you passed her, stopping you.

"It was not a question," she warned you. You looked down at your arm she was holding.

Did she really think she could hold you back? If you wanted to leave you would leave. You looked back up at her, with an innocent smile. You altered the metal on her belt ripping it off her. You took the piece in your own hand. Of course it was the X-men sign.

"It's hypocritical how the X-men are supposed to protect the mutant kind, yet they have fought their own kind more than anyone else, don't you think?" You studied the piece before you looked at the others behind Storm. They looked at you with fear in their eyes. This wasn't the same woman they had seen only weeks ago. This was poison. You lifted the metal up, melting it into three small bullets.

"I don't take orders anymore"

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