3. Remember

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You and Rhodey always had arguments about the military. You found it strange how so many of the Avengers came from a military background. They had a totally different view than yourself when it came to America, sometimes you thought it even blinded them. Your father was born in Germany and taught you early on that you should dare to criticize your own as well as other countries, systems and regimes. It hurts to admit, but you couldn't deny that you agreed with him.

"Sam is waiting for you inside," Torres shouted and waved you over. You kindly followed his lead down the hallway.

"Hello, my lady, how are we today?" Sam said as he came in for a hug that you gladly took. You couldn't help but notice that Sam looked tired, and more than just work tired. You knew he and his family was going through a lot at home and you didn't want to push him, so you let it go.

"I'm just thankful I got out the door today" you said with a little chuckle.

"I am the one who should be thanking you for helping me out." He looked at you, his eyes caring as always. "Y/n, you know you are always welcome to stay with me and Sarah if you want to?" he reminded you.

The few times you had visited Sam and Sarah you always had a great time. You had lost so much of your own childhood, so being around them, a normal family, meant much more than Sam could ever understand. The times you spent their you were mostly helping Sam out with the boats. Tony was a mechanic and had taught you the basics, but when you and Sam were working together on the boat was when you truly felt like a handyman.

"I know Sam, but I need to grow up." You said with a light laugh and poked him softly on the shoulder.

The laughter between you got cut short by a rusty loud voice shouting at Sam.

"Shouldn't have given up the shield!

Your whole body freezes in shock. You knew that voice. It sent shivers through your spines. The urge to hide came rushing in, but your body couldn't move even if your heart wanted to.

Steve had told you all about him, his name now was James Bucky Barnes and people close to him would call him Bucky. After he ran away from Hydra, from you and got framed for the terror attack at the UN killing T'Chaka he had been living off the grid in Wakanda. From what Sam had told you, James hasn't been doing anything special and was only distancing himself more from everyone he knew..

"Good to see you too, Buck" Sam answered clearly annoyed.

Why did Bucky show up now out of the blue after ignoring Sam for six months, just to yell about something that was already a done deal. Did you agree with Sam that it was a good idea to give up the shield? No, but did you understand it? Yes completely. After being around Steve for 5 years and knowing the history of the shield it wasn't hard to understand that it is a heavy burden to bear.

"This is wrong"

"Hey, hey, look, I'm working, all right? So all this outrage is gonna have to wait, me and Y/N have a mission." Sam said and put a hand around your shoulder.

For the first time, James looked over at you. The anger in his face faded away. His piercing blue eyes went from frustration to emotionless within seconds. It was like all life got sucked out of him and the Winter Soldier appeared once again. This was probably the point where you should've said something, but every sentence you could come up with felt wrong, so you stayed quiet. You fell in love with the Winter Soldier when you were at your darkest point. Still to this day you question how it was possible to love someone when yourself are so lost.

You had no knowledge of how much he remembered from his time as the Winter Soldier. You wanted to ask Steve, but you never dared to ask since you're afraid that he would get suspicious of you. Tony didn't know a lot either as James had only been in Wakanda after he got his own mind back. Did he remember you at all? And if so, what did he remember?

James looked back up at Sam.

"You didn't know that was gonna happen?" James asked getting closer and closer to Sam.

"No, of course I didn't' know that was gonna happen" You could hear the pain in Sam's voice.

"You think it didn't break my heart to see them march him out there and call him the new Captain America?" he added.

That's when it clicked for you. You instantly regretted drinking yesterday. You looked around searching for clues as a new guy with stars and stripes came up on a poster. You couldn't help but feel guilty but maybe more than anything stupid for not talking with Sam about it. Sam was always there for you and you couldn't even keep with the basics of his life.

"Hey. This is what you're not gonna do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It's over, Bucky."

You couldn't help but feel a little bit proud of how Sam stood up for himself and put James back in his own place. "Let's go, Sam" you whispered and took his hand and started to walk away from James and towards the flight.

James looked you straight in the eye, clearly annoyed at how you just entered the conversation.

"What is more important than this?"

"This guy. His connections with rebel organizations all over eastern and central Europe and he's strong. Too strong" Sam answered as he shows the video of Torres and the Flag Smashers.

"The organization he is connected to is called the Flag Smashers. We got their location, thanks to Redwing and are on our way to Munich." you filled in.

James chuckled low before he looked away.

"Isn't that almost home for you?" he said with a snarky tone without looking at you.

How could he remember?

"No, New York is my home." you lied, but answered strictly back so Sam wouldn't take notice.

They quickly started arguing about The Hobbit and Doctor Strange, but you were stuck on what just happened. How could he remember such a small detail like that? You spent your childhood always on the move, and you must have told him thousands of places, so how anyone could remember your exact place of birth was impressive, even more so coming from him with the fact that James was brainwashed the whole time you knew each other.

"I'm coming with you." James insisted as he started to walk with us towards the flight.

"No, you're not." Sam answered knowing he already lost this discussion.

"I don't like this" you mumbled.   

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