73. This is me

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This was your way out and nobody was stopping you. You had made your choice. If Charles wouldn't let you get peace, then everyone should see the true you, the one you had been hiding.

"Y/n, I don't wanna do this," Storm said.

They still thought of you as the little girl who ran around here every summer didn't they? You noticed how she tried to alter her powers, but before she could even do anything you altered the metal cane behind, smashing it at the back of her head, hard enough for her to fall down passing out. Hank ran away, but it didn't take long before Logan tried to run up at you, but you immediately smashed him towards the wall. You walked up to him with a smile on your lips. You looked up at his claws, stretching them more and more out.

"A trick my father taught me," you said with a smirk. He was screaming in pain, but you didn't stop, until you noticed Jean trying to alter your mind. You threw Logan down to the floor and walked immediately towards her.

"Charles couldn't hold me" you said and kneeled down to their level. You looked down at the bullets. 'the second you alter me, i will shoot you,' you thought with a smile. You didn't know Jean well personally, but you knew she was more than able to read your thoughts. You tilted your head and melted the metal cane you had used on Storm and bound Jean up with it. 'Charles have high hopes for you, so don't do anything stupid, love' you thought and stood up. You walked towards the door when you felt your feet stop. You immediately look back, ready to shoot Jean when you realise it's Charles.

"Y/n, I can't let you do this," he said, struggling to simply stand up. He walked over to you, knowing well that you would be able to shoot him at any point. He evacuated the whole school, it was simply only you and him here. He made sure Jean, Storm and Logan were in deep sleep. If you were gonna hurt anyone, it was only gonna be him."

"I don't wanna hurt you Charles" you said sincerely. It was easy to fight the others, but Charles was different. The drug modified your emotions, the dark side grew, but it was conflicting with the light side. Charles walked close enough to you to stop the bullets and took them down in your hand, showing you that he still trusted you. You tried to read his thoughts, but it was impossible to know what he truly wanted

How could they forgive you so easily? They never fought you. They never gave up on you, even when you had given up on yourself. Were they blind to your wrong doings? Or did they just believe you were better than you gave of? Charles never turned his back on you. No matter how much the two of you fought or discussed something you would always end on an okay note. You knew if things went really bad, that Charles would still show up there for you. It almost made him naive. You snapped out of your own thoughts when somebody grabbed your body, holding you down.

"I'm so sorry for this Y/n" Charles said as Hank gave him something that looked identical to the drug they had been using to drug you down in the prison. You panicked, and before you knew it you shot the bullets right through Hanks arms, causing him to drop you right down on the floor.

"How could you Charles!?" you screamed. You altered the metal in the room, all of it moving up in the air. Charles looked at you for the first time properly scared of you. He hoped he never had to use the drug on you, but you were not slowing down and he couldn't risk you doing something you would regret. You altered his body, causing him to drop the needle and pushed him against the wall. You walked up to him.

"You think it is my powers that are scary? Everyone was all wrong, my father, Zemo, Bucky and you! I have had my powers for ages, but I've only been able to be myself since I broke out of your mind. I am not my powers. This is me Charles, this is who I am." You screamed to his face. You lifted your arm ready to punch him in the face when an arm stopped and turned your body around, and not just any arm. A Vibranium arm.

"Y/n I'm sorry we didn't listen" Bucky yelled. 

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