40. Close

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"Whatever you have done must be bad since you forced me to lie to Sam only to get here" you turn around the second you hear the familiar voice to see Bucky by the end of the field. Oh, just wait and see Bucky. You knew it was awful of you to force Bucky into lying to Sam, but you were far from ready to open up to him, especially after Zemo's reaction. Right now you just needed somebody who already understood you. It was partly also because you didn't wanna tell Sam that you and Zemo had been... intimate. Not that you loved the idea of telling Bucky either, but he would understand with time that you did it out of desperation.

"Let's start with that I locked Zemo up in my aunt's cottage with my powers" you said and tried to laugh it off as a joke. Bucky stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at you. Sam and you had been joking about Bucky having a staring problem, but right now you needed him to stop. "You did what?" he repeated. His eyes went to your shoulder as your wound had started to bleed again after the fall. He didn't ask questions but walked straight up to you and took off your jacket. Bucky wasn't much of a talker, and honestly right now you appreciated it. You looked down at your not so white shirt anymore and groaned in annoyance. You hadn't even thought about the fact that the wound was still fresh. Bucky took your hand and led you to his motorbike, he took his place and looked back at you. "Jump on, I remember the way" he said and looked back at the road. You didn't argue and sat down on the bike and wrapped your hands around him.

"Where is the first-aid kit? You go straight into the bathroom and I'll meet you there" Bucky said standing outside of the house. You knew that you were bleeding, but it looked worse than it actually felt. "In the living room, by the couch" you whispered. Bucky gave you a short nod before he turned around facing the door. He looked down at the handle with a sigh. Yes, he wanted you to use your powers, more than anything he wanted you to be fully yourself, but he didn't exactly imagine that the first times you would be using it was with Zemo around. You took his left arm before he could do anything. "Bucky it's something I should tell you, me and Ze.."

"Y/n, I don't wanna hear it, you are bleeding and that's all that matters right now"

His tone was cold. You knew Bucky wasn't very fond of the man inside this door, and maybe more than anyone, Bucky was the person who couldn't wait until they could throw him right back in prison. Bucky smashed his metal arm against the locker and stepped inside. This was far from Bucky's first time here, or his first being himself and not the Winter Soldier, but he remembered the place well.

"Y/n, let's just talk" you heard Zemo say walking over to the hallway. The surprised look in his face when he didn't face you, but Bucky was priceless. Bucky opened the bathroom door for you as he walked towards Zemo. "Move" Bucky demanded Zemo who blocked the way into the living room. You turned around to the door and melted the door together again, making sure that Zemo couldn't run away. You stood in the bathroom door waiting for Bucky to get the kit, it wasn't that you didn't trust him, but you knew how much hatred Bucky was holding in against this man. "So that's your move Y/n, sending James here." Zemo said looking over Bucky's shoulder.. That's when Bucky lost it. He grabbed Zemo by his throat, pushing him against the wall with his metal arm. You went straight after them. This was what you feared, that Zemo would act cocky and Bucky would lose it.

"Bucky, let go. He isn't worth it" you said walking over to him, carefully placing your arm over Bucky's. You could see that Zemo was struggling to breath, but tried to play it cool. Bucky carefully leaned down and took the first-aid kit, all while still holding Zemo against the wall before he smiled.

"I only needed this," he said and waved his right hand with the first-aid kit before he let go off Zemo's throat. He gently took your hand intertwining your fingers before the two of you walked towards the bathroom. You looked back at Zemo a last time, he took a deep breath and tried to shake the whole experience away. Guess Zemo has feelings... deep down.

"You really took a bullet for him?" Bucky mumbled in annoyance as he opened the door for you. 

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