68. The rescue

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The second you fell to the floor Zemo stormed in as the men around you moved away. He got down on his knees and carefully lifted you up on his lap, placing your head on his chest. He let his hand fall under your chin, lifting your face slowly up, then brushing away your hair so he could see your face. "It's okay, it's okay. Your friends gonna help you," he whispered in your ears, knowing fully well that you were far gone. Maybe it was more a way for him to tell himself that it wasn't too late for the two of you. Telling himself that he still had a chance to make up for his past.

Matt followed right behind Zemo, but he knew how to keep his distance. Charles had told him everything he needed to know, or at least what Charles thought he needed. He would lie if it didn't worry him to see Zemo, but also how little information he got about him. Matt had only been told that the two of you had some form of a bond. Charles had wanted to respect your privacy, so he didn't actually know what form of attachments the two of you had. Matt started to wonder if it was a romantic one. He could hear your heartbeat going faster and faster. The smell of your blood dripping from your head. Matt knew you had to get medical help as quick as possible. He laid one hand on Zemo's shoulder before he leaned down to the two of you. "Her heartbeat is racing. We need to get her to the plane... Charles will at least be able to calm her down from there" he whispered over to Zemo.

Zemo snapped out of it and gave Matt a short nod. He carefully wrapped his hands around you before he lifted you up, making sure that you were lying comfortably, even if he knew you couldn't feel anything because of the drugs. He followed Matt down the hallways until they came to the check out, where Matt had to stop to sign the two of you out. The man that had drugged you stood on the other side of the desk, looking down at you. Zemo kept telling himself that right now, he only needed to make sure you were okay. He shouldn't and couldn't attack the man. You wouldn't want him to do that. Though, that doesn't mean he didn't take notice of him. If he couldn't beat him up now, that didn't mean he didn't have time later.

"You're gonna need to be careful around her when she wakes up," the man said and looked up back at Matt.

Matt didn't need to know you personally for wanting to do the same exact thing as Zemo. It was clear as a day that they had gone far over the line with their treatment of you, mutant or not. He just knew he had to hold back his lust to fight the guy physically, but go the extra mile and fight them legally. He had no doubt that this place was breaking the law on more people than he had been able to see. He smiled weakly up to the man and laid down the pen he used. Matt gave him a short nod, not even giving the man a word before he signalised for Zemo for them to go. They went into the elevator and the second the door closed he turned towards Zemo.

"They most definitely have put a tracker on her, we need to get it off her before we arrive at our destination" Matt said, looking down at you. He tried to use his senses to find out where it could be, but it was impossible for him to reach you, especially in this condition.

"Why would they do that?" Zemo asked, confused. He looked down at you, studying the little area he could see of your skin.

"Charles was here yesterday to make sure she was... alright, so they know they have a connection. They have been trying to figure out Charles school's location for years, for them this is a golden ticket to find it" Matt explained as the wind hit their faces when they came out on the top. Zemo was still confused after Matt had explained, but he knew better than to ask questions. If you trusted them, he was gonna trust them as well. They walked towards the plane as Storm took down the entrance.

Charles could finally lay down his fingers from his spine. Charles had been altering everyone's perception of Zemo, it was the only way he was gonna be able to walk in without getting caught. He had no idea how you had ended up hanging around Baron Zemo, but Bucky had told him to trust Zemo, so he did. Charles knew well the history of you and Bucky as that was around the same time he tried to get you to quiet... without succeeding. Bucky had since then cleared his mind and spent time in Wakanda, where Storm had been as well. Storm had given Charles her approval of Bucky. All of this was based on so called 'trust' simply because he knew how much you hated it when he read your mind without asking and this was him trying to please your every need. Did he like it? Absolutely not. Bucky was a former master assassin and Zemo a criminal mastermind and terrorist, but here he found himself, not using his powers on your friends.

"Lay her on the medical bed" Storm said and pushed out the rolling bed for you. Zemo did as told and laid you down there.

"They have some form of tracking on her, I'm sure." Matt said, taking off his suit jacket.

"We're gonna have to find it and take it off her before we go up in the air," Charles said loud enough for Hank to hear.

He looked down at you, something must have happened inside the prison, cause you looked way more damaged than you did yesterday. You were bleeding, and it looked like it must have happened only minutes ago. He looked up at the guys and considered asking about it, but this time he didn't wanna leave it up to trust, he needed to know. He closed his eyes and went into your mind. He knew that whatever he wanted to look back at, you would also have to see.

'i don't wanna do it anymore, i don't wanna do it anymore, i don't wanna do it anymore!' you screamed as you jumped into the glass wall

He stopped, he couldn't see more of it.

He then tried to go back and see if he could find any memory of them putting the tracker on you, but it was nothing. She must have been blacked out through the whole process.

He immediately opened his eyes when he noticed that your body was starting to shake because of the memory trip he had. Everyone looked up at him confused at what he just did, but he knew better than to answer their question.

"She has no memory of the tracker being put in her, so she must have been drugged down while it was happening to her. I still got an idea of where the tracker is, but it's gonna be painful for her," Charles said and looked up at everyone. Hank came walking over, joining the rest of the group.

"It's not gonna be as painful as if she woke up without the drug. We gotta take it out fast," Hank said looking over his shoulder at Charles.

"Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it," Zemo said desperately.

"They have probably treated her almost identically the same way as her father, Erik. What they did back then to him was putting it on his arm... Under his skin. That way can they not only track their location, but also how they use their powers." Charles explained to Zemo. Storm was already making faces as the memory of when they took out Erik's tracking pin came flooding back. 

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